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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is the ultimate aim of God-Consciousness full inclusion?

Question: Is the ultimate aim of God-Consciousness full inclusion!?
If you think it is: to what degree can we reach this goal without God Consciousness!.

If you think there is another aim - what might that be!?!.

Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think you can exclude!.
We cannot reach the goal without God consciousness!.!.!.because the goal itself is divine!.

For this it's important for those who are realized to give realization to others!.
Not only through words!.
Wise words will touch and help consciously-evolving souls but not those who don't seek!.

The only way I know to include everyone is through the power of pure desire, and by the awakening of the kundalini!.
One awakened kundalini can awaken another!. It's instant and prolific!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some people are God-conscious for inclusion, however many others are conscious of God purely because that is how they have always lived, because they have grown up in a family where everyone believes in and is conscious of God!. Other's aims of God Consciousness may be that people are seeking a meaning or purpose of life, and believe God is the answer!. Others may just be God Conscious so as to discover different sides of life!. I believe each person is conscious of God for different reasons, which often only they know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God consciousness is full inclusion, but is it an aim!? It simply is!. The only thing to do seems to me to be to open to what already is, opening ourselves to the present moment can do that for us!. I like the metaphor that God is Love, but better that Love is God!. In this I see and experience Love everywhere and in everyone and everything, so I am seeing and experiencing God!.

Great Q, John!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe the ultimate aim of God-Consciousness is to Love!. In order to love, one must be free to love!. Even God had to become "free to love," and therein lies the rub!. Free to love implies also free to not love!. The ultimate aim of God-Consciousness is first to Love and second to be free to love, hence the troubling times we live in,--the troubling times of "learning not just how to love, but that Love binds everything to everything else!." Love is the all-embracing Divine Oneness that exists without exception or exclusion!. (There is no such thing as a stupid question) take care my friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it is all inclusive!. It is already there, a Reality, only we have to be aware of That, God-Consciousness!. Everything that exist - animate and inanimate - are connected, nurtured by each other, there is perfect cooperation, mutuality, complementarity in it!. Hence being aware of Self means being conscious of all its connection as well and, that is all inclusive, that is God-Consciousness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hm!.!.!.this is actually very intresting because i know a lot of people who dont know anything of "God Consciousness" yet they do fully embrace all things!. Now!.!.as manifestations of the Divine, well no they don't do that!. But they are still loving and accepting of others & everyone!. (or at least they dont go out verbally bashing people!.!.lol)

I think that God Consciousness does mean to be aware of the interconnectedness of all things (animate and inanimate as Thimmappa M!.S!. said), and realizing it's presence both within and without (flowing through all things but not confined to any one thing!.) And that in the end, we will realize the simplicity of it all, after we have already been through the long struggle!. Because!.!.!.like others have said!.!.!.God Consciousness already just is-- with or without awareness of it!. Our aim is just to become aware : )

btw!.!. you are not stupid >_o you are //AMAZING// ^__^Www@QuestionHome@Com

The state of God consciousness has no goal,no aim,it is enough unto itself!.The existance of phenomenal reality is only apparent,empirical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Full inclusion is simply the truth!. We may not like it but that is why we have been given time!.

Time exists so that we can get used to this truth and accept it!.

Love and blessings DonWww@QuestionHome@Com

You should study on Calvin's theology about Divine election!. God does not embrace everyone equally!.

The best example is on Peter and Judas!.

Both have betrayed Jesus: Peter was forgiven but Judas needed to pay for his sin by committing suicide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting Question!. I suppose the answer would depend upon what each individual views as "Who or what God is"!.
I take the unpopular view that we are all parts of God,
therefore we are all one unit!. This doesn't mean there is unity it simply means "As God strives for perfection, so must we all in order to survive"!.

The only way I can explain this is; I look at the human body - a miraculous machine capable of healing itself, destroying itself, the brain which contains both the divine & the diabolical!. Each of us responsible for our own machine (body), yet so many things we cannot "fix" on our own!.

Therefore, there must be something bigger!.

If we are all a part of the ONE just as the kidneys, liver, pancreas, brain and cells in our body is part of our one machine or our one body then isn't it entirely possible that each one of us is a part of the ONE God -whoever or whatever that may be regardless of your personal religious beliefs!.

Would it not make sense then that as God strives for perfect survival of himself then he will strive to keep all parts of his body in perfect working order and working in unison!? If we are all part of God's body then we will all eventually die off as new cells are being formed in god's body!.

And yes, it makes sense that each blade of grass, the elements, and all animals and mammals are just as much a part of this ONE body of God!.

I read once that if you were to take a single molecule of energy and trap it inside a jar, vacumme seal the jar then watch it, that molecule would sink to the bottom of the jar and remain dormant but if you were to open the jar, the molecule would then change forms and come to life!. Is this true!?

I don't know but if it is then energy cannot die, it can only change forms!. Maybe we are all just a form of energy on the ONE whole!.

The goal then would be survival and growth would it not!?
(sorry this was so long - hope you can understand what it is I'm trying to say)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com