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Position:Home>Philosophy> The less money you have the less respected you are?

Question: The less money you have the less respected you are!?
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There is some truth in that, but it is not universally true!.!.!.!.!. respect is earned in many ways, one of them is money earned but that is certainly not the most important one!. In India, Mahatma Gandhi is by far the most respected man of the last century and he was certainly not a moneyed man!. Even today, who would agree that the richest person in the world is the most respected one!? I believe that the greatest factor for earning respect of the people is genuine altruism!.!.!.!.!.!. well that is what can truly benefit people in general, isn't it!? The richest person may be the most envied one, but certainly not the most respected one!. On the other hand, it is also true that people who are poor are hardly respected!.!.!.!.!. perhaps on the assumption that their poverty is caused by their own incapabilities or lazy attitudes!. A man earns respect through his talents, qualities and capabilities!.!.!.!.!. earning money is one of the talents or capabilities and to that extent it does earn its own share of respect!.!.!.!. it is the capability to earn that is respected rather than the possession of money as such!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's an oversimplification!.

I suppose in general, it doesn't hurt to have money as far as gaining respect!. But respect is usually earned by deeds and demonstration of character!. You can't just flash a wad of cash to someone and gain their respect, necessarily!. Maybe some people are hypnotized by money, but most intelligent, reasoning, mature people realize that respect is earned, to a large extent, through demonstrated behavior over a period of time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think this is true in many cases!. Take the manner in which even sales people treat a person whom they perceive (for whatever reason) as not having money!. Sad but true!.

On the other hand, as they say, a man's character is judged by how he treats those (perceived as) beneath him!. I know people who are so bitter and/or shallow that they jump at the chance to place someone beneath themselves based on wealth or some other factor that has no real reflection on a person's character!. As if income determines value (take social workers, for example; they make very little money but have integrity to spare)!. I also know people who are blind to the accouterments of wealth; their only criteria for whether a person is deserving of respect is that the person keeps his word and has a solid handshake!.

As with anything, the masses tend to reflect a party line that isn't always A-OK!. Look on the bright side: At least the world isn't run by cheerleaders and frat boys!. (Or is it!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the main this is true because that is a common human measuring stick!. A lot of rich people are despised if it is generally known that they gained their wealth dishonestly or by bloodshed!. Some rich people have altruistic benevolent behaviour giving to the poor but most rich people seem to know no end to greed and are not worthy of respect even though shallow minded people give it to them!. However , he who dies with the most toys is none the less dead and people soon forget them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most of this world places value in things and who has the most things!. When people are nearing the end of their lives they almost all say that the things that mattered had nothing to do with money!. You do not need the respect of people who don't have the wisdom to value the right things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely wrights , money is everything of whats we wants , the truth is out there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

generally true - although there are some exceptional people around who see through and beyond such difference!.

It seems to be used as a measuring tool for intelligence and courage etc!.
Where I live - the will to 'get on' in life is highly prized!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this world has become overly materialistic in a sense that you cannot exist without owing something of material value to somebody!.!.!.

its very sad but most of todays societies lives on the principle of "no money!.!.!.nobody"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Or as the old saying goes:
'Life is like a crap sandwich!. The more bread you've got the less sh*t you eat!.' Sadly all too true!. Cheers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some parts are true!. Let's think what the money can give us; education, social level, etc!. All of those can teach us how to treat the people and how to just people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only in a capitalist society my friend!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

no no no!it is how u really r, ur character that people respect or dun respect u for!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not exactly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a bit trueWww@QuestionHome@Com