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Position:Home>Philosophy> Should we all first LEARN HOW TO BE GOOD PARENTS?

Question: Should we all first LEARN HOW TO BE GOOD PARENTS!?
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Parenting is a process - not a fundamentalist tick exercise - you learn on the job - there are manuals but if you didn't have good parenting yourself they aren't much use!.

yes it would be a good idea but 'good' is the stumbling block - no one thinks that they are going to be bad parents!. The victorians believed they were doing the right thing just as we do now!. I think trends in child rearing change like trends in education and we fall into other traps!. Looking at
the problems youth has today it would seem that we still aren't preparing children for the pitfalls!.

I am now a granny and glad that my children are better parents than I was - that is progress but the world they face is totally different and I don't know about the ethics of bringing up children for a world that doesn't yet exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When we were teenager, we feel that our parent doesnt know what their doing!. only the time we become parent ourselves it become clear!. there is no way that you can come out of school and say i just got a certificate in parenting, it would be easy!. sometimes, parenting can be a spiral of events that you loose track if you are doing your job very well, all you know is that you love your child, you want to nurture them and take care of them, its a unselfish love, so in the moment of our parenting, we really dont check about our vanity as a good parent!. there is no way you can have your sanity and worry about what will other people consider as good parenting!. my dad told me that some people accused him of not being a good dad because its my mom who provided steady income for the family!. my dad told them that they are not the one that will judge him if he is a good dad or not, it will be his children!. now that i am a parent, i have found enormous respect for my parent, and i dont know how they do it as well as they did!. he is a very good dad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I had never been around kids much before having my son and I seem to be doing it right!. I think people that had good parents themselves, need no further instruction because theyve spent their childhoods absorbing the knowledge of what a good parent is!. Kids that grew up under different circumstances may need to be taught since they had no one modeling that role for them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I think i know what you mean!.
I think people shouldn't have kids if they don't even know how to love themselves, cause how are they going to love another person!? and our parents' effect us so much because they're apart of our everyday environment!.
but some people have bad parents and they turn out fine, some turn out messed up!. I guess it depends on how you process it, because our mental stability is affected by our environment but in the end we get to choose how to feel towards it, and how we let it effect us!.

but nobody cares about anybody anymore!. so we can't rely on other people to care about us, we just have to care about ourselves, and care about other people ourselves!. because we can't change other people we just have to be good ourselves and love everything and hope that everyone does the same!.


Yes, by learning how to raise oneself and hold oneself accountable for one own actions is good practice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com