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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are parents not respected now like they used to be in previous generations?

Question: Why are parents not respected now like they used to be in previous generations!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Parents rights are being whittled away!.
There seems to be an increase in parents rights vs!. childrens rights!.!.!.!.!.I'm not saying that children should not have rights, they should, but some of the laws meant for the most needful children are being exploited by young people today on pitiful reasons!. like their parents don't let them stay up late or don't let them plasy video games 24 hours a day etc!.
One real scenario that I saw first hand in was about 10 - 15 years ago!. A friend had a teenage daughter who (13 yrs of age) who took it upon herself to get mixed up wirth a much older crowd, who not only encouraged, but supplied this 13 yr old with alcohol & other nasties & got her drunk & took advantage of her many times!.!.!.!.This of course led her parents to grounding her on different occassions!.
The child then took it upon herself to go to childrens services & tell them that she had no freedom & was not allowed to go out & socialize!.!.!.!.Child services became involved with the family, they urged the parents of the child to quote: "allow her ALL the freedom she wanted" regardless if it ended in the child in unsafe situations ~ which it always did!.
The parents refused to follow this advice ~ explaining the reasons why ~ Result ~ this family, who were just trying to keep their daughter safe & out of trouble, were placed on some kind of 'watchlist' by the dept!. & were threatened with being charged with keeping the girl at home against her will!.!.!.
Final result, the girl began running away from home & ended up in lots of trouble!.!.!.The parents went to the dept!. for help & were refused any help ~ in fact they were nearly charged with negligence as the daughter kept running away from home ~ not because the home life was bad, but because she didn't get her own way!.!.!.!.ahh!. I don't know!.!.!.The laws an @ss!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For some reason the new generations of parents are afraid of their children!. They dont know how to discipline them and the children grow up getting everything they want, when they want and never hearing NO!!. Tirants!. Parents compensate probably feeling guilty for handing them out to carers as soon as they are out of the womb!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they don't put their foot down hard enough!. I'm 24 and I was way too scared to say one bad word to my parents growing up, my dad would have tore my a$$ up!. And boy did i have rules and curfew!. But thank to my parents i graduated from college, and waited till now to get engaged!. I turned out pretty good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YOU SAID WHAT, said what I wanted to say!.
Thumbs up for her and she's right!.( my opinion)!.
"Spare the rod and spoil the child"!.
Alot of truth in those old quips!.

I see kids kids cursing at their parents!.
I can't imagine trying that on my father!.
I wouldn't be writing this!.
( and yes, I respect him)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The parents that don't get respected are the parents that failed at raising their kids!. The children are products of their parents (and everyone else around them, but it starts with the parents)Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they aren't getting the A$$ whippings like back in the day!. They get whatever they want and in return the parents get treated like crap!. I believe that whole heartedly!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

because we are getting aware that parents arent perfect nor do they deserve undying respect or honor!.
note the greatest proplems are often caused by parents(sad but pretty true)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not at all!.

It's always the parents way how do they manage their child and be respected in return!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because children aren't puppets anymore and can have an opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i ask the same thing i respect my parents but my brother doesnt which does really suck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

coz thier role has changed and children can learn from more placesWww@QuestionHome@Com