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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are there significative differences between EASTERN AND WESTERN ways of thinking

Question: Are there significative differences between EASTERN AND WESTERN ways of thinking!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the eastern way of thinking is to believed more of a looking and orientation towards the inner world, the meditative and contemplative way!. a lot of research and development is going on, for centuries, in the inner field of awareness and consciousness of the human mind!.
the western way is oriented on the outer world, a lot of research and development goes on in outer science, technology etc!.
outer and inner science, one could say!. both ways can learn from each other, enrich each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eastern people look at life and the universe as though it were God's organism where everything is interconnected and God is behind life forms like an actor playing different parts!.

Westerns think God is like a judge and ruler of the universe who is constantly judging!. When things go badly, it means God is punishing someone for something He didn't like, like not being a Christian!. If something good happens, it's because God is pleased with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Great difference between the two!. Like someone above said, East have existed forever, while West is primarily new!. So obviously, East has more knowledge and understanding although the scientific development isn't as great as the West!. But science isn't always the case!. The cultural difference between the two shaped how people think and behave!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Great differences!. The East have been there for ever!. The West is new of only 500yrs!. The way thy think, say, maneuver is deeper rooted than ours!. We starting to know more with the new comers, but still have a long way to go!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Man this question is getting old!.
Western thinking thinks there is a difference!.
Eastern thinking doesn't!.
So what is the difference depends on your perspective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. There are major cultural differences which is reflected in peoples thinking and their behavior!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's what I've always heard and there are supposedly great wisdoms that we in the WEST don't have!. On the other hand who bombed Pearl Harbor and who developed the A-bomb!?Www@QuestionHome@Com