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Position:Home>Philosophy> A gift of life? Why should it be taken forcibly by disaster from nature?

Question: A gift of life!? Why should it be taken forcibly by disaster from nature!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When we accepted the gift of life we did not ask why!. When it is taken away - we should not ask why either!.
In fact when we say "taken away" - we are making our biggest mistake!. We have ascribed some sort of "action" by some sort of "person" or "agent" who "takes away"!.
Nature is not like that!. There is no person, no agent, no action!.
Nature is serenely perfect, beautiful and absolutely indifferent!. Nature does not care or love and so Nature does not hate or damn us either!.
If we Understand Nature - we will understand God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sad, But only that really God knows!. He is perfect!. We aren't!. So our lives won't just have to stay here forever!.
It is also a part of whether we survive or not!. That we may obtain this life here as long as we really are determined to live as long as we hope for!. But it seems it is also a matter of good luck as many people believe!. Still, we have to wonder somehow, specially if we are really the ones affected or involved in such terrible, horrible and inexplicable sudden cause of death from a natural disaster!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The whole thing starts with understanding the Laws of God!. Then we can see, with the right Eye and let it be accomplished!. There's the Law of Karma and all that was sowed must be reaped! also God works with an Advocate for the good of us!. Nothing is a disaster from nature!.
All is set to either happens somewhere or elsewhere!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Big VIEW!?
Gift of physical death is sweet relief when the soul is saved for eternity with the gift of LIFE !.

Small view!?
China is being taught humility for their crimes against humanity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why not!? Death has no rules!. Live your life fully so you have no regrets!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's just a crap shoot!. Read all the signs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com