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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you explain colour to a man that was born blind?

Question: How do you explain colour to a man that was born blind!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
With great difficulty!.

The colour part of the brain is associated with other areas such as number recognition!. Likewise there are links from colours to certain emotions, and feelings not associated with sight!.

Some people grey numbers as colours!. E!.g!. 5 may look red and 3 might look green!. Look up what the correlations are by reading up on number-colour synesthesia!.
Similarly red is associated with heat or speed whilst green and other colours have calming effects!.

You might use number or letter blocks and get the person to handle the number and play notes or music associates with the clour frequency or mood of the colour!.

E!.g!. if 4 looks blue to people with crosswired brains!. Have them handle a 4 whilst listening to Blues music and eating a blueberry!. Then tell a story that makes you blue!.

Music is in many ways like colour!. There are various (stepped) frequencies, which combine to stimulate various moods!.

You should perhaps play notes on a music scale and have the low calming ones as the greens and blues and the yellow and reds as the higher tones!. Then you can play music that reflects the mood of the colours such as mellow yellows, riotour reds, sexy hot pinks, etc!. Maybe the Blues has it's name for a reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get him to use his other senses to understand!. He could taste foods of certain colours for instance!. Or you could compare items with colours!. For instance, tell him fire is a hot, explosive colour, that it conjours up images of blood, hell, fire and other such objects!. Or you could try emotions!. Red would be the colour of anger or green of envy!.

A blind person will never truly understand colours, but helping him feel what we feel when we see colour is the next best thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Even though if we explain it is not possible to understand the color!. Some times showing a leaf and telling the leaf is green in color!. Then if the blind people if he touches a leaf he thinks it is green , but not possible to identify that color!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well thats diffiult but, explain that color tastes like stuff!. make him food that is colorful!. give him cherries strawberries n such is red!. like its bright and pretty!. try different things!. explain that silver is a shiny color!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Explain it through the other senses!. Example you might equate red with intense heat!. White with cold!. Blue with the wind across your face!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

vividly, you paint a picture so beautiful that he himself can see what you see, as if looking through your eyes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com