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Position:Home>Philosophy> Agree or Disagree with Henry David Thoreau?

Question: Agree or Disagree with Henry David Thoreau!?
In the conclusion of Walden Thoreau states the following!.

"Rather than love, than money, than fame, Give me Truth"

My question is how many of you agree to this statement!. Would you rather have Truth then Love, then money, or fame!? Honestly answer and tell me and explain why it is what you believe and think!. Dig deep!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are no facts, only interpretations!. -Friedrich Nietzsche

One of philosophy's favorite past-times is the wild-goose chase!. The search for "Truth" is another way to avoid the practical in favor of the abstract!. I don't need to know "truth", only a workable interpretation!. If the shoe fits, by gum, I'm going to wear it, whether its really a sandal and I've been told all my life its a boot, who cares!? If it keeps my feet dry, call it what you want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you eventually pass into eternity, the only thing you have is the character you've obtained by the sum of living the truth of all your experiences!. Money passes away, and fame is an illusion built on pride!. In the end, everyone looks the same in the grave, regardless of how much money or fame you may have had!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on what this truth happens to be!. There is no reason why truth would make me succesful or any of those things!. Why would this truth necessarily be more satisfying in any way than it's counterpart!?

What if this real truth was so horrendous that it's knowledge would drive you to suicide!? I need more clarification as to what this truth is, and why I would have any reason to desire whatever truth this was!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love Truth!.
Truth if proven can bring money and fame!.

So, Truth prevails - with money and fame no one is satisfied!. With love, one is satisfied, but only if it is true!.

With truth, one is satisfied - Truth prevails!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no substance without love!. Love is the only lasting element Henry listed!. If Henry found the lasting Truth he would find love!.

Paul dealt a great deal with this matter in 1 Corinthians 13Www@QuestionHome@Com