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Position:Home>Philosophy> .........Reality?

Question: !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Reality!?
the only thing that I know exists for sure, is myself!. you could all be figments of my imagination!. the whole world could be a figment of my imagination but even then i myself would have to exist to have an imagination!. so i know im here!. i think therefore i am!. agree!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The philosophy "I think, therefore I am" does not work!. If we should challenge the awareness of reality, we have to first define what "reality" is!. I can't think of an appropriate idea right now, so feel free to understand it whichever way you choose to - perhaps we could (for sake of argument) agree on the idea of "reality" being "real" (wierd as it sounds)!.

If you were to challenge whether or not your hand was real, would you not first have to challenge the idea of what a "hand" actually is before you can challenge the ideal of it being real!?

So to challenge the idea that "we are not real", you would have to (logically) challenge the idea of whether or not you could in turn understand what "real" is!. You believe you think and we could be figments of your imagination, but if you were to challenge existence in such a fundamental way, we could argue you in turn do not exist, the reason you believe you can think is possibly because another thinks for you rather than you thinking!. If we do not exist, then it is equally likely you do not exist in the same context - afterall, I could exist and you could not, but equally you could be under the illusion you exist!.

Now to apply that to "reality" - in order to challenge whether or not this is in turn reality or possibly not, we would have to have some understanding of what "real" actually was!. Take a £5 note, and a piece of paper with a 5 written on it!. Now if I asked you which one was the "real" £5 note, chances are you would have some idea, because you have an idea of what the "real" one would be!. Now apply that to reality, we all experience a "reality" through our own distorted lens of perception!. But none of us can truly see past that distortion to anything else, as far as we are aware!. So then, is this "reality - not reality"!? Or is this "reality - real until discovered otherwise"!? So until confronted with reason enough and "evidence" enough to challenge the idea of reality, this in turn arguably becomes our reality!.

Just because one person thinks they are real does not make them real!. Just because one person thinks the see another reality, does not make that one a reality directly on the larger scale of things!.

Just my argument!. But I'm one of those that also believes in having no need to challenge an idea until given good reasoning to do so!.



This 'I think therefore I am' philosophy isn't right!.

It should be the other way around, 'I am, therefore I think' Without the body, the mind would not be able to manifest!. But the body and mind are subjective and all manifestations are the result of stimulus!.

But as it is possible to be aware of your mind thinking or your body feeling, it than follows that awareness is something independent of mind and body and it is because we are aware, and that everyone is aware that makes us 'be'!.

What you think about reality is all part of non-reality!. And as what you imagine, doesn't exist either, we can actually say that just as much as we think everyone else is a product of our imagination, so are we a product of our own imaginations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Reality is not having enough time to sit and concoct pretentious questions about what is real!. Reality is not having the time to then go on and concoct equally as pretentious answers for oneself!. Reality is having to work like a dog to keep a roof over your head!. Reality is worrying about your children being safe!. Reality is about trying to live a decent harmfree life when you're surrounded by nasty, negative, wrong and bad things!. Reality is not what I expected it to be!. When I was a child, reality seemed like it was going to be great!. Can I get a refund!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

"I think that I think, therefore, I think that I am!." - Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary!.

There are serious rational flaws with any solipsistic viewpoint!. Science has proven that, while reality may, in fact, not exist, the illusion of reality is created via a consensus participatory amalgam of perspectives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, Rene Descartes said that a long time ago, Hyperbolic doubt!. I think, therefor I am!. The idea was that since one had a conscious capable of making the inference that one at least knows their own existence, but nothing else!.

However, I think it's ridiculous!. What purpose would your mind have to fabricate an entire universe filled with false sensory perceptions!? I mean, I can't consciously create another universe in my mind with any similar level of detail, so I have no reason to have the impression that I've been capable of doing it for all these years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh believe me , if you see and experience enough "realities" in the world you won't say that I or anybody else can be just a figment of your imagination!. Because my friend , reality is bigger than that!.
If you don't get my point just add a detail and tell me I'll explain further!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, if I'm a figment of your imagination, then you must be a figment of my imagination!. Therefore, how can I be sure that *you* exist!? Should I just take your word for it!? If so, then you should take my word for it as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you think im fake but i think you're fake!. then that means nothing is real!. when i look at the mountains where i live it looks painted!.so does the clouds,maybe we are nothing but artificial beings and something greater is real!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who are you again!?Www@QuestionHome@Com