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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is pure evil?

Question: What is pure evil!?
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Interesting question!.!.!.I believe that "Pure evil" is having no contience!. The ability to perform horrendous acts of things we (society as a whole) would consider "Purely evil" and never feel bad or guilty about it!. There is a Greek philosophy that pertains to this subject, which states that a man cannot be judged physically (Or when he is "Insouled") for any kind of crime he commits, or for any decision or even "Good" thing he has done, because it is not within his power to control the kind of knowlege he gains while he is "Disensouled," or without a body!. It's a very interesting topic called Epistomology!. If you're interested you should check it out :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since evil seeks to diminish or destroy life and the freedom necessary to have it, what I would think of as pure (i!.e!. absolute) evil is that since evil does not have any love for otherness (its harm to otherness is the proof), pure evil would not only hate and destroy the existence of everything else, but it would also, similarly as with the incomparable leap from greed to absolute greed, in the end destroy itself!. In the absolute form it would not perceive anything as being justifyable in its existence, even itself!. At that level it is almost as though it is an execution of justice without mercy in that it accepts nothing less than perfection, but would in the end have to destroy itself for having made the mistake of administering the justice which only the creator has the justifyable authority to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that pure evil does not exist!. Though in retrospect neither does pure good!.

Benign or evil is only the products of conscious thought!. What is evil to one person may in fact be righteous to someone else; the reverse being that something that is perceived by one person as wholly good, is by someone else pure evil!.

Remember, some of the most horrendous acts committed on the face of the earth were done with the person in question believing that a say “higher power” was guiding them thus making the act performed benign!.

Good and evil is a concept that we as humans have invented to justify some of the decisions that we make!. It the rationalization of those choices in the course of our daily lives, as well as in the lives of others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing!. It is an imaginary concept that is the opposite of the equally imaginary pure good!.

It is a good example of the ability to create a concept that has nothing in reality to relate to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is not pure or impure evil , evil is evil only!. No classification in evils!. If evil is pure then we have to call is a God, If God is impure we have to call him as evil!. so, no pure or good or impure evil!. Evil means bad only!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The devil himself is pure evil nothing else on this earth is evil!. Unless you count choclet, it is to good to resist buy after that it just stays there, in your hips!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing is PURE evil, actions and things can be created on pure but evil intent, there is nothing or no person that is pure evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Completely evil or more than evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ignorance mostly, childhood trauma etc!.!.!.!.there is no such thing as a super evil identityWww@QuestionHome@Com

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