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Question: Friendships!?
here are some verses I just found in the dhammapada about friendship with the wise, and unwise, what do you think of each type of friendship!? I'll add the story which goes with these in the additional details!.
Verse 328!. If one finds a sagacious friend, who is a virtuous and steadfast companion, one should live with him joyfully and mindfully, overcoming all dangers!.
Verse 329!. If one cannot find a sagacious friend, who is a virtuous and steadfast companion, one should live alone like the king who gave up and left the country he had won, and like the elephant Matanga roaming alone in the forest!.
Verse 330!. It is better to live alone; there is no fellowship with a fool!. So one should live alone, do no evil, and be carefree like the elephant Matanga roaming alone in the forest!.
As always I ask this with Metta
(((((May All Be Well, And Happy)))))
Thank-you for answeringWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ok, yes, I must agree to some extent because I live alone and I like it !.
But there is something to learn in all relationships with people, whether they are mainly good or bad experiences, they all serve in some way!. So to live alone like the king, a person could be missing out on some vital good and bad connections that will play a part in their development!.

By living with people who I didn’t find to be sagacious, (just had to look it up for definition!) I could learn more about compromise and indeed more about myself by learning how to interact with all kinds of people!.

I don’t know if all friendships should be great!. Some, I think, should just be ok, so that you can appreciate the great ones fully when they come along!.

I wonder if the old man outside the village found people to be sagacious!?! ah, if I don’t find people to be sagacious, is it because I am not sagacious myself!? Uh oh ! I have to do some more thinking!.

Thanks! :o)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Friendships are beautiful so never turn away an angel from God!. Friends sometime last and many times don't, but when it does happen, enjoy while together!. It's only wise to stay away from toxic friendships that will only contaminate one self!.
Stay with the positive flow and stay away from the negative current!.

My Gram always used to say it in Spanish,'It is better to be alone and happy then to live in misery with another fool!.

GOD BLESS! AMEN! SHALOM!Www@QuestionHome@Com