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Position:Home>Philosophy> If happiness is a state of mind, why are people so unhappy?

Question: If happiness is a state of mind, why are people so unhappy!?
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Because the mind reacts to the circumstances in which it finds itself!. Which is to say -- the world affects the mind!. The world might be a place of hunger, or sorrow, or pain, and just because happiness or unhappiness is an internal state, it doesn't mean the external has no effect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just cause it's a state of mind, (actually an emotional state) doesn't mean you can just think it up or will it up and make it happen!. You have to MAKE it happen!. The way to do that is by having an authentic loving relationship and behaving decently!. Those two things are both necessary and sufficient for happiness!. Nothing else matters - except not to be in physical distress beyond a certain point - that can ruin it - but barring that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People think that they are unhappy even when there are a lot of happiness around them!. They actually don't know to enjoy everything!. They find everything less than their needs!. They are not satisfied at anything!. They pass their life running towards the golden deer of happiness!. But they never be able to know that they are leaving there happiness at the footprints!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they're not able to replace the state of mind of sadness with the happy one!.!.!. people feel too alone and find unhappiness the normal state!.!.!.we're at the pursuit of happyness but much depends on our will to be happy!.!.!.try to smile and see the positive things, try to be heros and not victims and so on!.!.!. ciao e buonasera from the sunny Italy!.!.(not that many people are happier here, with the policy we have!.!.!. :D)Www@QuestionHome@Com

caz ppl love to hold on to their sufferings--they just can't let go of their sufferings------it's like complaining--we know it's bad--we can't and won't do anything about improving the situation instead we'll just keep on complaining caz it's the easy thing to do---similarly it's easy to suffer but to let go is really tough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They don't know that they can give themselves permission to be happy!. Life "happens" to teach us about ourselves!. And it's the way we look at life or handle the situations that pop up that make us or break us!. There's suppose to be some good in all situations!. Sometimes that's hard to find and it may even sound airy-fairy, but I do believe you can make yourself happy or sad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The answer is very simple "Happiness is a state of mind but many people don't know it"!. The happiness which is attained by world is not happiness, its a momentary sensation of happiness which should not be confused with happinessWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because there are limitations!. Having total control makes a person happy!. In every person, they have a power to let you in or not!.

No man is happy by himself!.

Thus happiness is not a state of mind!. It's a state of being!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lack of world peace, social unrest, domestic strife, all contribute to loss of love and diminishing humanity!.

This is why mankind is collectively uniformly unhappy!.

Be Loved and abide in Peace !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many people are not used to being happy and have not been shown how to enjoy happiness and therefore stick with the devil they know!.


Check out my other answers for more details or email me via YA!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happiness in not permanent state of mind it is state of sadness also!. So, it vibrates between happiness and unhappiness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am convinced that there are those who are happy being unhappy!. They enjoy wallowing in their grief and deliberately sabotage their lives so experience more pain!. They thrive on the attention sadness gets them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because happiness is the joy that comes from success!.!.

!.!.!.and the liberals in our schools have been teaching kids that success is bad!.

Remember when windfall profits was a good thing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

blame society

legalize drugs, invent better ways of transportation,
print more money and curse fashion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

people haven't realize the value of its moment of life

the value of its thing they have inside their houses

the value of real love

the value of Carpe Diem (Seize The Day)Www@QuestionHome@Com

because unhappiness is a state of mind more effective than happiness!.i think no one is truly happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because of stress that busch has forced upon us!.!.!.!. no jkin, but its just another state of mind!. theres really no way to describe it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the state of mind is unhappy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they are too busy locking for how to be happyWww@QuestionHome@Com