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Position:Home>Philosophy> How can u be sure that your sixth sense or intuition isn't really just fanta

Question: How can u be sure that your sixth sense or intuition isn't really just fantasy/projection!.!.!.!.!?
We've all heard about 'the secret' and visualizing ur future as though u already have it!.!.!.!.!. but what about self-deception and flights of fantasy!?!?

(I'm posting this Q in both psychology and philosophy)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Good question!. I think experience is the only way!. You eventually notice whether or not your sixth sense perceptions or predictions are borne out in fact!. IF they are, you come to get a sense of how real they are, or how reliable!.

A similar question that nags at me sometimes is how can we tell the difference between being certain about a thing because we know the facking score, and being certain because we're paranoid and delusional!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are two kinds (at least) of intuitions!. Let's look at the objective definition first, then talk about the 2 kinds!.

"Intuition: (Lat!. intuere, to look at) The direct and immediate apprehension by a knowing subject of itself, of its conscious states, of other minds, of an external world, of universals, of values or of rational truths!. -- L!.W!. "
http://www!.ditext!.com/runes/i!.html Dictionary of Philosophy: Runes, Editor; 1942

1 kind is "mystic!." Oh right--as if they could just jump through the air from the essence of the object, into your mind!. Or as if all knowledge was a priori and the intuition just jumped out of the chaos in your mind!.

2 Well, it did just jump out of your mind, and that is the second kind, but it is a posteriori in it's origin primarily; secondarily, it is from your sub-conscious which is only a priori to the intuition!.

In other words, what Ayn Rand 40 years ago called a "psycho-epistemological intuition," is now, today, a growing science called Epistemic Psychology!. Your subconscious works on a problem long enough, and your psychology will draw it out, until you have "direct and immediate apprehension!."

It was not apprehended until the precepts in your subconscious combined back into the proper concept and you looked and you saw it!.

No intuition can come from a priori knowledge because it does not exist (contrary to Plato and Kant's say so,) nor from Plato's forms!. Intuitions are not "thoughts from the gods!." They are not "mirror images" of what the god you pray to told you!.

The reason some people do not come up with the correct intuition when you do, is because he/she has not had the same experiences!. So you, too, will often have no answer when others do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, everyone has intuition!. It's that gut feeling you have just before something bad happens( as an example)!. You're given clues to the situation that you might not notice!.

One thing about intuition that I think is much more interesting is the notion that women are more intuitive than men!. DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT!. Everyone has the same ability to be intuitive!. That idea that someone made up about women's intuition is just that-MADE UP!. Well, at least that is what my gut feeling is telling me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you just know!.!.!.
here is a video on intuition: http://www!.youtube!.com/watch!?v=OzVm52wOA!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com