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Position:Home>Philosophy> I wish I never had been born?

Question: I wish I never had been born!?
Couldn't God just leave it and never let me born!? Does God like it when he sees how I wish I was dead!? why didn't he just let it alone and didn't create me!? I just don't get it, I wish I was dead!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If wishes were fishes we'd all cast nets!.
You don't have a say in the matter, you have been born!. You have a whole universe to live for but right now !.!.!. if you can't handle a simple life on earth how the hell do expect to live throughout the universe after your death!?
Seriously; life is eternal and this husk we inhabit is just the beginning!. You and I decide where we are going after death and God will know what your heart is!. He will act accordingly to your wishes, and your dreams, and the thoughts of your own mind!.
If you want to be dead !.!.!. He will allow it, because it is your own decision!.
I don't know how you've come to your conclusions but I do know someone, somewhere, somehow taught you the wrong philosophies for living!. It's time you re-evaluate your worth, and re-educate yourself on the life you have!. It is more than gold that you have, it is eternal!. As a man thinks so he is, therefore it's time to change your thinking!. Think in terms of value of the other entities about you who are just as eternal as you are!. Serve them!.
In that you will find that what God wants of you is your love!. He wants you to love Him first and foremost, before anything and everything else and then He wants you to love your nieghbour as you yourself would want to be loved!.
Learn this!.
Learn this and live for it every day of your life and I know you will take a one-eighty degree turnaround in your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are just escapist, trying not to face the reality!. Please
read the following lines :
"Oh, God give me all thy pain, you have,
I will not complain!.
Give me the hardest blow, you can,
I will not be agrraived!.
But showest me not thy kindness,
To lighten my forbearance!."
A perfect human is a gift, preserve it and use it for the
benefit of others!. And you will be happly live ever after!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You've been taught to expect God Almighty, (who loves you) let me introduce you to God Actual, who mearly wants you to be interesting!.

Frodo could search all of Middle Earth and never find Tolkien, nor anything that wasn't Tolkien!.

God is an author, and an author that makes sure none of his chracters suffer is BORING BEYOND BELIEF!.

Now you, to some degree get to co-write you own life!. (Authors often say characters start writing themselves)

So how's your story going to go!?

"There once was an emo kid who got depressed & killed himself!."

A bit dull wouldn't you say!? Now personally I'd use that great sense of futility to figure out your futility is futile!.

If you aren't afraid to die, join the army!. Your death would bring great happines to terriorsts and liberals world wide!.

And if you survive you're a genuine goddamn hero!.

Suit yourself but I think an 'Oh-rah' is a lot more fun than a 'poor me'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You weren't born alone though!. You're a continuation of your relatives, and your race, and eventually humanity!.!.!.!.!.

Like vista, was born of windows!.!.!.!.and microsoft!.

Vista wasn't just "born"!.!.!.!.!.its just a continuation of the original invention : the computer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

don't say that God creates you because He has something to do with you!. All of us are His instrument to creates peace in the world that He makes!.!.!.!.

i felt that way too sometimes but i always put on my mind that God needs me!.!.!.!.and if you knew what is your real reason why He gives you that gift!.!.!.You won't able to say that!.!.!.!.

just figure out why does He give you that life and you will understand the true meaning of life!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

one thing i learned in religion school was that we were all put on earth 4 a reason!. u just have 2 find yours!. we're god's children- he doesnt like 2 watch us suffer!. maybe your life isnt going so smooth now, we've all got bumps in the road but just try 2 move past it!. find your purpose and it'll all work outWww@QuestionHome@Com

You have not found the reason yet!.

The Book of Job is good for times like this!. He went through very bad things and yet survived!.

Suffering happens to make us stronger and later better able to stand up to the world!.

You sound like a lot of artists I know!. Maybe you should, draw, write or make music!. A lot of people would be interested in your work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fortunately you where born!. Now what you need to do is figure out what and how to deal with the situation!.
God must have seen you as the most appropriate person to do something that no one can do!.That might be why!.so don't give up!.
I wish you the best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is easier when you never experienced it, huh!? I thought about that a lot, whether in good times or in bad times!.

If I never existed, then I wouldn't know what I was/would be missing, because you cannot know without existing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

if wishes were horses then beggars would ride!.
you got to make the best of your life or it was all just a useless exercise and you owe yourself and the world more than all your self pity!. get off your duff and get on with living!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What made you sad!? I think all of the humans had undegone that kind of feeling!.!.!. That bad feeling will also pass and you will feel you want to live again!.!.!. just let it pass!.!.!. that is life!Www@QuestionHome@Com

calm down!.!.!.in 10 years, you will be wealthy!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You sound exactly like every single member of my philosophy class, myself included!.

these are the answers of why some of my close friends are still alive!.

Classmate A - Too much of a coward to commit suicide so figures he may as well start trying to enjoy his life (he is also bi-polar)
Classmate B - Doesn't give himself a chance to find out who he is as he's always playing a different part to please someone!. He's lost all his honesty, but in the moments he does get to be completely himself he is truly happy!. He spends his life waiting for those little moments
Classmate C - He doesn't talk to the world face to face, he hides away feeling sorry for himself growing ever more cynical!. Enjoying the times when he's putting other people down, or arguing that black is white just to prolong human company
Classmate D - Lives for everyone else's needs, is too pragmatic and calm to not help people!. Loves helping other as he hates himself, but will not admit it to others!. Doesn't do himself any favors, he could be so much more then he is!.

You get on with it, not because of anyone else but because of your passions and ambitions, even if you don't know what they are!. Even if you are mostly sad, you just try harder or use a different approach, nothing is ever that bad!. Your mind clears with time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com