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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do Objectivists and Libertarians...?

Question: What do Objectivists and Libertarians!.!.!.!?
say to the pledge implied in this concern:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As an Objectivist and libertarian, I refuse to answer such a question as the one Mr!. Cohelo asked!. My god, he's a famous writer, but you would think he was a giggly, pimple-faced teen with no background in philosophy who would ask the same "feel good how-do-we-fix-the-world" type question!. What is he going to do with all the answers he gets!?

He is supposed to be someone who can make the call, by telling US how we can improve the world!.

The world already knows how Objectivists and libertarians would make the world better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What pledge!? The link goes to a question asking how we can improve the world!. Was there a specific answerer to that question who stated some kind of pledge!? Please be more specific!.Www@QuestionHome@Com