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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do u ever wonder that ourself is planet? like the inside of ourself have oragan

Question: Do u ever wonder that ourself is planet!? like the inside of ourself have oragan and living stuff, for it to!?
create a human or to let a human live, compare it to earth, where in the earth, there are people and stuf that live and move in it, to make it known as an earth and as human we are like the planet,because we have stuff that make us known as being a human like blood, heart and so on, and as possble things can destroy us either from killing or explorsion, just like is possble to destroy the earth!. do u agreeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've actually had the thought that we are like galaxies rather than planets!. We ingest matter and expel waste(like black holes) and we are utterly alone in this world yet interconnected with everything else!. Anyways, I like your analogy too!. Damn, nature is weird!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We do carry trillions of bacteria round with us!.

Apart from that, James Lovelock, in "Gaia", suggests thay the planet itself, with all its' life, is a living organism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the earth is round, so is an electron!.

there are many planets surrounding the sun, just like electrons circulating around a neutron + proton structure in an atom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope, can't say I have!. But I like the metaphor!Www@QuestionHome@Com