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Position:Home>Philosophy> "The words of a man are often hesitant. What he does with his reason is sel

Question: "The words of a man are often hesitant!. What he does with his reason is self logic!."!?
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Tell me, what are your thoughts of this statement!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with this statement!.!.!.Man is often tongue-tied with the age-old questions that have existed since the beginning of time, but in the end a man's logic will always be produced by his own unique thought process!.!.!.and because we're all unique, every answer will differ from one person to the next!. I like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Words of a man comes with purpose and reasoning and he is always longing for his satisfactionWww@QuestionHome@Com