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Position:Home>Philosophy> Where does COMPASSION come from?

Question: Where does COMPASSION come from!?
I think that compassion is more acquired than innate!.
Do you agree!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here's a problem for a person like me who's poor in English! You're at ease using the word 'COMPASSION"-----but I'm in trouble as well as confused! Since I know the word 'compassion' means two things: 1) willing to forgive someone & 2) Sympathy!. And to me, these 2 are different!. I don't know how to answer you!.
But one thing is true, I do agree with you----i!.e!. whatever you meant by 'compassion', it's been ACQUIRED!. Question is, how & why!? You don't have to go million years before, just think of the PRESENT time, when we forget (read: don't know or didn't learn) compassion at this age of 21st century! If compassion were something innate, why would there be so many "JHHAMELA"---huh huh huh --it's a Bangla word, meaning "CHAOS", throughout the world!? To be compassionate one has to learn the virtue ( or as you said, acquire it) by education, by experience, by civilization-----and of course by seeing one's seniors, even ancestors!. How an wild guy, million years before, could be compassionate!? If you ever see 'compassion' in animals, never think it as an innate something! Animals also acquire it from animals society!. (Please forget all the exceptions)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Speaking from a freethinker and an evolutionists point of view, compassion was a genetically acquired instinct to sustain the survivalability of our species!. You may ask, we suppose to be selfish to maintain our species survivalability but why we feel compassionate !? I will cite an example, A certain type of bird feeds birds of another, non opposing bird species!. It does so that, when the itself is in great need of food, another bird will help, mybe the previously fed bird!. This was mentioned in the book of Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion!. It can be further derived using The Selfish Gene Theory or Concept!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Compassion is empathy, an innate sensitivity to the feelings and sensibilities of humanity about us!. It cannot be taught as the barriers and shields or arrogance, defiance, covetousness, ignorance are required to be broken, preferably by the assailant itself, which is frequently unlikely!.

In barbaric societies it is applied by the judicial system as political correctness in the absence of the said compassion or humanity!. Dwindling humanity nurtured and prospers with loving kindness!. Killed and destroyed by the sinful natured!.

Alas it is no innate, or natural in this age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think compassion arises from suffering!. i dunno about you, but i really hate feeling bad!. so when i see others in situations in which i would feel bad, i hate it!. so it comes from empathy!. is empathy innate!? i think it is to a degree, but a person can choose how much to exercise it based on their personal values/life experiences!. so empathy itself is an innate skill, like running, but some people are a lot better at it than others, because they practice it more!. and more empathy=more compassion!. so!.!.!.!. compassion is partially innate, but the degree to which it is expressed is aquired!. yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ironically, compassion was from and by ourselves!.

We see what we see; we think what we think!. Just the bible said, love your neighbor as yourselves!. All compassion must be from ourselves!. However, we need to understand others!. We need to ask do our love equal to their love!? Otherwise, you just murder others by your compassion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think compassion/empathy is more innate than acquired!. Personally, I don't really have a lot of reasons to have it, but I still do!.

I still think that if you had a good life, it helps it along!. But, there's people who had really good lives that are pure evil, so yeah!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry, i do not agree!.Compassion is given to us by God when we accept from him, a share in his own divine Trinitarian existence, which becomes possible when we respond to his invitation to turn away from sin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

emotions are universal!. everybody, at one point fears, loves, laughs, cries!. it's that understanding that every person is human, we are not immortal or without feeling!. it is the one relateable thing that connects everyone in the universe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think its both now answer my questionWww@QuestionHome@Com

How do you define compassion!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

monkey see monkey do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

compassion comes from my heart!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com