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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think man is really worth the knowledge being given to him?

Question: Do you think man is really worth the knowledge being given to him!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
one thing's for sure!.!.!.!. some use this knowledge in a "not so nice way"!. bottomline is!.!.!.!. knowledge is not for the controlling minds!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That assumes two things (which may, or may not be true):

1!. That someone is "giving us" something, apart from our learning it or earning it ourselves!.

2!. That we have, or need, some justification for our existence, i!.e!. 'our worth'

This is pretty typical thinking for this present culture, where we are thought to not be a part of nature, but are always blamed for everything on the planet, and generally considered to be an invasive species everywhere on earth, as if we're aliens from another planet infesting the Earth!.

I believe this viewpoint to be completely absurd, non-scientific, and a result of 100 years of socialist thinking which has infected all the 'movements' we see today:
The environmental, animal, feminist, etc!., etc!., etc!.,

One example to point out what I'm talking about is this:
A beaver builds a dam = Natural!.
Man builds a dam = Unnatural!.

Technically, there's no such thing as anything being "unnatural"!. That's a completely human-ego-centric way of looking at things, to think if WE do it, it's unnatural!.

That is FAR more a case of moralizing our behavior, than any religion has ever done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Given to us!? Now people have to work hard to not only get an education, but to go through strenuous research processes!. We are worth it, because we go out and get the information ourselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not the knowledge given, but what is done with that knowledge!. Are we talking about a single man, or man as a species!? Cause those are 2 opposite answers, huh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

No knowledge was given to him, he earned it!. And yes, he is MORE than worth it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so!.!.!. we have it now and what good is it doing for anybody!?Www@QuestionHome@Com