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Position:Home>Philosophy> What helps you attain the detachment from particular aspects in your life...?

Question: What helps you attain the detachment from particular aspects in your life!.!.!.!?
and embrace!.!.!. yourself as a vastness, as a whole!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
by comtemplating on the things i have and enjoy, those opportunities i have grasped and those people who cares for me!. among other things, optimism really helps, you can't find from other people, it is a natural tourniquet that when everything seems falling apart you have something to fall back into and just embrace yourself as a whole again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I would think that to embrace yourself as a whole, you need to fit those particulars in a context instead of detach from them!. Good, bad, or indifferent, decisions we make, and the crazy things around us we can't even control contribute to who we are, and even if we can just clarify how we feel about them, we are learning to embrace the whole!. But this also means not forgetting about the good things!. Everything in it's right place, right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

how about stop 'trying' to be am emo, goth or just incredibly self induced depressed individual!.

stop 'trying' to be something that you are not by pretending to be something else!.

stop 'trying' to be one with the universe, all present and ever inquiring!.

want to know how to reach true detachment from one's life!?

well, first, you stop being an emo, goth or self indulgent, self obsessed, narcissistic dark cloud nothing-better-to-do than be depressive individual!.

then you go get a job!. any job!. shoveling human feces, wiping counter tops at fast food restaurants that is covered in snot and vomit!. hosing down morbidly obese people of their loose skin that they are unable to reach ad clean!.


because this will give you a sense of self worth!. hard work ALWAYS gives you a sense of self worth!. hard work doesnt allow you the luxury of time to sit around and mope about things that will make a ZERO impact on benefiting your life!. hard work will teach you responsibility, respect and a good work ethic!. hard work leads to a productive life filled with opportunity!. hard work leads to a positive self image!.

laziness, on the other hand, teaches you to wallow in your own sorrow!. laziness teaches you to be unappreciative of EVERYTHING!. laziness teaches you to expect others to take care of you!. laziness teaches you to constantly ask stupid questions that have no logical or constructive answer!. laziness teaches you to be dependent on others where you become content on living what others throw away!.

how's that for a small start!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my case I have to take a step back from myself and take a Godlike perspective to see all the things that I may be doing wrong and all the things that I might be doing right and see where they are leading me and when I figure out if that is a godd place for all concerned I go back to the small parts of me that people see and organized them better!. It is like stacking the deck of cards to see what to do next!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Looking up at the night sky really helps me get out of my claustrophobic daily life!. Its nice to look up there and see amazing vastness, so much bigger than Earth's problems!. I strongly recommend taking an astronomy class!. It helps to make one realize there is a lot going on beyond us!. also, denial often helps me!. I know that bad, but it is true!. My bro died and I can't deal with it yet, so i will unintentionally forget hes gone!. Its weird, but I'm getting there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

`By piecing together all things of interest, talent or necessity into one picture!.!.!.it's like sculpting a self portrait and it's a work in progress that is never really quite finished!.!.!.you just keep adding and deleting, repairing or polishing!.!.!.slowly it emerges from obscurity into the lightWww@QuestionHome@Com

I focus on other more happy aspects of my life!.
I am positive by nature, so I try to hang on to happy thoughts when some other thoughts shadow my soul!. Thinking I am myself 's best friend, makes me want to embrace!.!.!.me and feel part of this wondrous World!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Positive reinforcements , like prayer ; loved ones ; motivational reading & thinking ; exercise ; focus and keeping busy !. I agree with Tommy C , as well !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not aligning myself with the opinions of others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Remaining objective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My own selfishness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not blaming or judging self or others!. I say this rather than love as I have found it easier to work at, that way round!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

taking time away from your day to sit back, relax, and meditate on it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

staring into space without a thoughtWww@QuestionHome@Com