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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your opinion, or knowledge ?

Question: What is your opinion, or knowledge !?
Where does the type of intuition come from - that tells you when things are going to happen - before they happen !? !.!. and they warn you when you meet people !?!? And dreams come true!. Where does this come from !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
honestly!.!.your question is so interesting!.!.!.

it's like guardians or holy spirits or something!.!.!.

from GOD will!.!.!.i thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps the mind is capable of doing things that science is, as of yet, unable to explain!.
When I say mind I mean to say that perhaps that not only our brains think thoughts but perhaps there is something about consciousness that is more than merely the sum of its parts a thing that is the mind but is connected to the physical body!.
I think Kant wrote about this at length!.
also another great example of intuition would be Tesla!.
Tesla had "flash's of insight" he would see inventions clearly in his minds eye and then he would build them and they would work!. He said that is was very unnerving and uncomfortable and it caused him stress and headaches but the modern world owes him alot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have seen my own future many times and when I "return" to the event in the future I get a feeling of "rightness" and deja vu!. I believe that when I am on the "path" (right with God!?) that I "harmonize" with other parts of my life and send the memories back!. I also remember past lives, which I believe are "harmonies" not reincarnation, because at least one of them happened during "this" lifetime!. How can I remember being another person who exists now!? Harmony between my spirit and theirs!. So the same is true for future memories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that there is some comsmological force which unites all matter, maybe something along the lines of physics' concept of entwined particles, that gives us an insight into reality beyond the grasp of our senses!. Due to the passage of time and the interaction of an incomprehensibly large number of other particles, this foce has been weakened so as to be sporadic and almost random in its appearance!. I've often wondered if some of the "legit" pyschics like Cayce arent just more in tune with that force and therefore possesed of what we see as psychic powers!.!.!.

Then again, maybe their all just hacks and intuation is just an advanced observation, a point where our senses feed us some information that we dont consciously process to a conclusion but upon which our brain is able to make an immediate determantion!. I remember a book I read a few years back called "Blink" that was about those type of observations, where you "know" something before you actually know!. Malcolm Gladwell I think was the author!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You search inside of you!.!.!.listen to that voice, that's always been there to guide you!. This is very hard to tap into but we all have gut feeling and intuition!. If we tap into this it can save us!. The vibe we get and the vibe we send to others can serve as a great tool for opinion or knowledge that we seek for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its simply an understanding of people and life or sheer luck, what people dont notice is when they think this and get it wrong!. i can often predict what people will do or i can see figure many things about what kind of person they are, this isnt some supernatural ability its simply my understanding of people and their behaviourWww@QuestionHome@Com

What tells you things that are going to happen is
experience: "The last time I saw or heard of a
situation like this, 'X' happened!.
What tells you about people is that, plus small clues
in tone of voice and body language!.
How did Mom know you were lying!?Www@QuestionHome@Com
