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Position:Home>Philosophy> A religious question. read on....?

Question: A religious question!. read on!.!.!.!.!?
I find on this site that a lot of people write religious questions, and a very very very large amount of christians, usually american, reply with the same answers of how god is there, we should just have faith, bla bla bla!.

Does anyone here think its wrong for people to do this!? No-one would be happy if half the users of yahoo answers were muslim and told everyone else that Allah is great etc etc,

Going back to the point of half the users being american!. does this say something about the education system in america!? most fo the world is very much intelligent enough to know that there isnt a god, and most holy books are jsut a selection of ideas and stories to base our lives on for the better of the community!.

can i have some honest answers please, try to hold back on the abuse, its all anyone seems to get when they ask a question about religion!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Christianity is so popular and the propaganda of the churches so pervasive that most Americans believe without question!.
It takes a truly thinking person to start questioning and looking for answers outside the Christian Bible!.
I do believe it is wrong for American (and other world) Christians to try to push their personal beliefs on the world!. They seem to have no respect for diversity or for indigenous beliefs!. Their book tells them ALL will perish if they don't preach to everyone!. They don't take into account that, perhaps, the book is wrong and just another piece of mythical fiction!. They don't take into account personal freedom, education, science or anything else that may disagree with their religions!.
I used to be a born-again, tongue speaking zealot who believed the same as many Americans!. Thank the Universe for opening my eyes and my mind to other possibilities and answers!.
Through many years of research and self-education, I can honestly say I am now a devout Pagan Philosopher!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yahoo! Answers is based in the U!.S!., so most answers you will read are from those who live in the U!.S!.!.

As for your critique regarding religion and of those who believe that God exists, do some research first before giving a critique that is easily refutable by statistics!.

Yahoo! Answers offers a section called "Religion and Spirituality" that allows individuals of all beliefs (including atheism) to write what they believe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A certain Lewis Carol was a confirmed athiest, when he couldn't prove the non existence of a daity he became a Christian!. You stated "isn't a god" and yet you use examples from 2 religions to back up your question, have you really thought this one through!. You also used religious ideas about life to in you question, do you have understanding of the world, explain the creation without an intelligent designer!. You're ideas are bad but your quest for knowledge is good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You say "most of the world is very much intelligent enough to know that there isnt a god"!. I disagree with this!. I think the vast vast majority of the world does in fact believe in a God!. also, I wouldn't mind if Muslims answered religious questions with their beliefs about Allah!. While it would annoy me if I asked a secular question, say about evolution, and got a religious response, I don't understand why you expect secular answers to religious questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a philosophy site - there is a Religion site that can be used by people wanting to debate or put forward a religious viewpoint!. The problem is that some religious people (not just American christians) feel that their religion is their life and that they should share their 'good news' with everyone else irrespective of the subject under discussion or the relevance of their religious faith to the point being discussed(or the feelings of others who don't share their unproveable views and beliefs)!. It isn't about intelligence or education systems in America or anywhere else, more about mental health and selfishness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find it annoying how so many people are closed-minded and don't want to listen to the opinions of people who choose not to believe in a God!. Many religious people on this site (I'm pretty sure most of them are American) just dismiss them as being wrong and reporting their answer!. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and not everyone belives God is real so just get over it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey I think your right on!. Religion is a tricky Subject, especially here in America!. We have so many Different Church's, it would make your head swim!. Every City has like 100 Different types of church!. Everything knows there right and all the others are wrong!. Its madness!. and the only education they use to back up there beliefs is the bible which is like saying God is real because God said so!. There is no winning this battle!. when we die will be the first time we figure out who is right and who is wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is nothing wrong with Christianity, Buddhism, Muslims!.!.!.
It gives you a choice, it shows you the road to God!.
God is, but not in religion, He is in real world!. He is the Nature!.
People preferring just one religion will never arrive at the true knowledge!. But let it be!. Makes no bloody diff!
One day you gonny kick the bucket anyway!.
Thanks God, every person is free to educate himself the way he chooses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the majority of the American people have a very narrow view of what their god is and what they believe, I doubt they would think Allah is great!. Anyone who doesn't believe that Jesus is their savior well according to the fundamentalists they're just doomed!. That goes for the Catholics also!. "The Horror, the Horror!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't really think it matters!. People should just not get too upset over others talking about their beliefs!. As long as no one's trying to totally convert anyone (because that's wrong), I think it's okay!. While I agree with you in that I don't really believe in any god, I like to keep an open mind to those who do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Full marks to CapitalG, he's hit the nail on the head!. God is real because he says he is!. Most people only believe in HIM because they are told to, by the TV mainly!. It's hard to argue with somebody who 'knows' that they are correct, though a little bit of mental exploration proves otherwise!. When will the human race wake up!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look who's talking about abuse; saying basically that all Christians are stupid (not intelligent enough to know there isn't a God)!.
Contrary to popular opinion, you don't have to check your brains at the door to become a Christian!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's great that all of us are born with a free will!. We can believe or not believe what we want to!. There isn't any right, there isn't any wrong!.!.!.there just IS!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you believe you are intittled to your oppinion so why don't you thing they are intittled to theirs over half the word believes in some sort of god your in the minorityWww@QuestionHome@Com

If this site was a muslim institution, most of your answerers would be praising Allah and cursing all Christians!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its all wrong in my opinion the whole lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You make an interesting obvservation!. I think the group of people you are refering to are simply fundamentalists christians, who do not recognize the plurality amongst the worlds religions!. That is unfortunate, and intellectually lazy of them!. But, I do not think that it is somehow unintelligent to posit the existence of God as an explanation for the Cosmos!. In the end, it is either complete and utter meaninglessness (to the question of WHY) or God!. I find comfort in the latter!. Can I prove it !? no!? Do i believe it simply b/c I want to!? Yes!. I think most do!.!.!.but then the question becomes WHY do I want to believe this!? Aside from fear (of the unknown, of death), I think humans also have a need for hope, a need to hope in something!. That I find compelling, that we want to believe in the goodness of things!. That in my opinion, is a respectable reason for belief in a benevolent supreme being!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree mate, too many religious questions, i feel that they are pushing the christian thing too much and deserve all the abuse they get!.On your second point,
Americans will believe anything,they believe fictitious characters make senators and presidents, just cos they can act they think they will be good for the poitical parts!.
Americans believe 9/11 was a terrorist attack,unbelievable!.
Americans believe all the garbage they are fed by their president, he's a joke, the world knows it, why can't they see!.
10% of americans have a passport, well there u are, says it all, insular,inbred and ignorant of the world!.They believe all they see on tv and read in media cos thats what they are fed!.
Never mind, China will soon be teaching them more about the world when their eyes are opened to reality!.A force to be reckoned with!.
God is there for some people, in their minds, he does not/has not existed faith helps some people get by and if it helps them, well, ok !.Each to their own and i appreciate everyone is allowed to express themselves , it's what i have done in my reply, freedom of expression!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think its about the education system!. Its pretty much the same everywhere these days!. Many surveys indicate that that 92 percent of the world believes in God as the power behind the creation!. If you have read all the books and scriptures of all religions, you would probably find that the Torah (Judaism), The Bible (Christianity) and the Quran (Islam) have the same form of dialogue!. That indicates that all these books were heaven sent during the period of Moses, Jesus Christ (The Messiah) and Mohammed (The Holy Prophet) respectively!. I disagree on your remark that they are merely collection of ideas and stories!. These books were heaven sent to guide us, though some of these holy scriptures were manipulated and distorted during the passage of thousands of years sometimes by natural calamities and sometimes by man for his own benefit and to rule over others!. I hope I was able to express myself!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so!. This site is about people communicating questions and answers, and I would find an answer from a Muslim telling me to turn to Allah to be just as legitimate as one that advises me to realize that there isn't a god!. People have different beliefs and I'm personally willing to listen to them all!. Truth comes in many forms; it's simply demographics that cause the answers to be so focused on Christian principles --- many of the users are Christian and so give answers from their own perspectives!.

I don't think you can blame such speaking on America and its educational system!. In the first place, there are plenty of devout Christians in other parts of the world, and in the second, our education system has become militantly anti-religious in the past few years!. If the "blame" (or credit, depending on where you're coming from) must be placed anywhere, place it on the home and/or friendships --- in my personal experience they have far more impact than anything a teacher at the head of a class can say!.

Just my two!.!.!. or twenty!.!.!. cents, lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm American, but I live in the UK and have for 10 years so I answer questions on the UK/Ireland Answers site, not the USA one!. So, don't judge me, please!.
As far as most of the world being intelligent enough to know that there isn't a god, I think you are really off-base there: most of the world does have a religion in which they believe in a God, whatever name they give their God!. Allah is the one true God to Muslims, Jews believe in God just not in Christ as their saviour, thus the division between Jews and Christianity!.
Because Yahoo Answers is a forum for people to express their opinions, just as you are doing, I don't think there is anything wrong with people using God to help support their answers, just as anyone else uses other references to support their non-religious answers; it's a point of view!. Don't read it if you don't like it!.
And it has nothing to do with education in the USA because Church (God) and State (School ) are kept separate by law!.
I know this for a fact because I am a Christian, an American and I was educated entirely in the USA!.
One thing I learned in my American schools is to have an open mind and allow other people to express their opinions, just as you are doing here!. What I learned from my religion is to help the ignorant become enlightened about the ways and goodness of God, spread the word as it is!. Which is what I am doing answering your question!.
'We' aren't going to forbid your answers because you are not a religious person or because you are specifically not a Christian!. Don't be prejudice against me then, either please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The problem is inherently weaved into the fabric of their belief system!. They believe in the bible wholeheartedly and it teaches to preach its gospell to others!. If we're to respect their right to believe what they believe, then we can't complain about them preaching because it's part of their belief!. You should expect it from a religious question unless you specify that you don't want to hear fundamentalist views!. Belief in God is a different from blind literal belief in the bible!. The former is not correlated with intelligence!. Some of the most intelligent people in the world believe in God!. You have simply not tried to perceive the world from their point of view!. Fundamentalist beliefs are however the result of ignorance!. Education is always the answer to everything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com