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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you agree/disagree with my Mom?

Question: Do you agree/disagree with my Mom!?
My Mom is always telling me, "You will never truly believe the world doesn't revolve around you until you have children!." Are you really just purely selfish until the very day you become a parent!? Are childless adults more selfish than those with kids!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In my case that statement is oh so true!. I was a very selfish person and it took having my son to show me my wants are not THAT important!. I would never say that as a generalization about everyone, though!. One of the most unselfish people I know is a 44 year old man with no kids!. He lives beside me in an $90,000 townhouse just like mine and drives a ten year old car!. He could afford to live in the best neighborhood in town, instead he devotes most of his money and time to the rescue mission his sister started 20 years ago!. They're a great family and I hope to raise my son to be as giving their mother did them!. I'd be ashamed for my son to know how selfish I was before he came! I was spoiled rotten as a child and grew into a brat, I'm making sure he doesn't grow up the same way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!!! In fact, I just saw something in the news about some pez-dispenser of a lady who is about to have her 18 kid, and I'm like, "woah!!! You are single-handedly adding in a major way to the over-population of the world!!!" I think it takes a really morally responsible person to realize the world can't sustain all the people who are in it now, and if you don't absolutely HAVE to have a kid to justify your existance, take one for the team and go without!. Besides, who hasn't suffered for love!? That's totally self-sacrificial!. And I know plenty of moms who had kids so there would just be more people in the world to revolve around them!. That's why they always ask you if you can grab them this, or pick up that, or blah blah blah!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Generally speaking some are socially conscientious and sensitive to the feelings and needs of others!.

On a personal level your mother understands you better than any other and therefore her word is generally apt and true!. Some have children and can still afford the luxury of pure narcissism!. Individual variances to this general rule, but generally Mom is always right, at times when she appears so woefully wrong, she is always right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree!. I am not a mother, but I can imagine that I am much more selfish because I don't have someone to depend on me!. Once you have children, you realize that you need to feed them, clothe them, put the to bed, have playtime with them, etcetc!. There are those few people who are not selfish before being a parent, but that - I believe - is rare!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well!.!. I guess that depends on your view point!. Your mother may be basing her moral stuff off of the fact she had to start thinking of someone else once she had a child and really didn't care about anyone else before that, but I know just being an older sister, I've learned sometimes the world revolves around my autistic brother, or my hungry cat more-so than myself!.!. so I disagree with your mother aka say she's wrong!. Some people choose to be more selfish before children than others!. [and learn to not be so selfish later on], others!.!. well, some people are born generous and doesn't have the world revolving around themselves at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, cuz some parents don't even give a care about their kids or they push them to fulfill the things they themselves didn't achieve when they where kids!. Or sometimes the parent will use their child's talents to make money not caring what the child thinks!. so it totally depends on the type of person you are!. i mean nuns and priest aren't selfish and they don't even get married!Www@QuestionHome@Com

there are still parents who think the world revolves around them!.
having children isnt the magic catalyst for becoming mature!.
realizing the world doesnt revolve around you is the first step!. i found that having a child made me more selfish when it came to free time and sleep, though i have been less selfish when i sacrifice those things for my childs well being!.
anyways to conclude, you are the one who decides how selfish you are!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your mother is wrong!. She is biologically biased toward believing that others shape her character, but she is wrong!. The sages spoke of the inability of women to achieve liberation, and this is because women have no soul!. Read Otto Weininger's "Sex and Character" and the truth will be revealed!.

Men are able to objectively evaluate reality, but women are not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats just an observation!. one from the places she has been!. there are definatly alot of selfish people out there, but there are also alot of unselfish people!. im sure having kids helps the selfish people reorient thier lives though, but there are many other things that would do the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hardly im perfectly aware the world doesnt give a damn about me and the majority of people wont care if i die!. and anyway look around at how some parents treat their kids having a kid doesnt mean you become selfless!. so no i dont agreeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Partially , I do agree with your mom !. Falling in love , and maturity also tend to rid oneself of selfishness !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes and no

you do lose selfishness once you start caring for someone else deeply other than yourself!. But this does not have to be your own child!.Www@QuestionHome@Com