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Position:Home>Philosophy> What would you say is frivolous, and meaningless? and why?

Question: What would you say is frivolous, and meaningless!? and why!?
Personally I would say it is going out all night drinking, and spending money on luxuries which are not of use to anyone!. because they only bring limited happiness, not lasting happiness!.

as always I ask this question with Metta/Loving Kindness
(((((May all beings be well, and free from suffering)))))
Thank-you for answeringWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Talk is frivolous and meaningless!. Man task when he is angst ridden, tormented or lacks peace!. This is the worst possible time to talk as what he speaks is anger, vitriol, and hateful words!.

In anger man talks not reason but in defence!. He feels the need to make a stand and reason and logic filter is switched off and replaced with angry words, defiant attitude and the whole procedure is frivolous and meaningless because human beings when under attack, verbal or physical tend to raise their defence immunity so the whole rant is a futile exercise!.

Spending time or nights wining and dancing is a habitual!. One passes through this phase until he bores, or hasn’t the monetary resource to finance such a lifestyle or simply tires!. Spending time with friends or family talking, laughing and discussing ideas and ideals is also time considered well spent!.

Peace and Love to You!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it is all about learning so possibly nothing is frivolous!. My friend says that 'the path of excess leads to wisdom' - I think subconsciously we put ourselves in the way of learning even if maybe we dont get to the point of the learning!.

I was alcoholic 30 years ago and it taught me a lot even before I got help so I don't know if there is anything in particular that is 'frivolous'!.

also what is wrong with engaging in frivolity!? I mean its like asking for comparisons - good learning v bad learning!. i am not saying this very well but it seems like the word itself is meaningless as it would seem to be only useful on a very personal scale or else we would all be having a group moan about these ones who!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

I don't know who first said it possibly Carl Rogers but I would be inclined to 'trust the process'!.

We are probably all doing the very best that we can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Earlier, someone asked a question based on Robert Frost's poem, "The Road Not Taken"!. He asked, basically which road would you take and why!? One brilliant responder said he would take the well trodden road!. The responder pointed out that choice is important for the outcome of our lives, But its the CHOICE and not the road we choose that makes the difference!. This is much the same!. Whether you choose the drinking and luxuries or the austere life, you end up in the same place!. They throw dirt on you and flowers grow in the earth above you!.

The choices we make while we're conscious are all that really matter!. If one consciously chooses that life you don't like, then to them, it's not at all frivolous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Money spent on porn!.

For many people, this money spent on porn, is money taken away from their home life!. Porn promotes, and destroys, a lot of things not only in a marrigage - but within the person themselves!.

Porn is fletting - destructive - and worse than meaningless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thank you for asking this question!. It's a beautiful question!. I hope to learn by proposing what is probably incorrect!.

I would beg to differ, with all respect!.

It all seems so perfect and nothing seems frivolous or without meaning!. This is all so necessary and cannot be escaped or avoided or put aside!.

We're here together now just as we are!. Is there any other option!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i favor limited happiness over lasting ones!.

for example: the couch you bought home is nice, but after a few months it becomes a natural that you have it!. But the couch at the departmental store is always so comfy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In response I ask you the question, can any happiness be truly lasting!? In the existence of time!.!.!.what is a life time!? Nothing!. Unless God is going to yoink us out of this situation!.!.!. what does it matter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Spending energy worrying and thinking negative thoughts that have no beneficial results is meaningless and frivolous!. Helping others is on the opposite meaningful and brings true happiness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fashion - change for the sake of it!. Competitive consumerism!. Messianic religion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com