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Position:Home>Philosophy> Laymens terms for kantianism??

Question: Laymens terms for kantianism!?!?
i have to arugue that Thomas hills argument for preserving the environment is more kantian utiltarian or virtue thoery approach!. The only one i really understand is utiliarianism is you know more about the question or just what kantianism is or even virtue thoery it would help!. thank you!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is actually very easy to do!. It's because a basic kernel emerges from even the most complex philosophical theories!. I still have hope that Yaoi will someday glean this intrinsic fact!.

1!. Firstly, you must identify the basic issue:
Is it OK to consume without regard to the impact on the environment!?

2!. Then, you must ask:
Will it work if we all simply adopt the position in (1) above!.!.!."Is it okay if everyone consumed without regard for the environment!?"

3!. Reach a conclusion from the above investigation!.

Using Kantian terminology back to:
1!. Identification of the "MAXIM" from a particular "CATEGORY!."


3!. Reaching of a "CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVE" for the case in question!.

-Kant's ethical philosophy falls under the category of DE-ONTOLOGY: That we are duty-bound to adhere to ethical standards which are most beneficial to society at-large!. The way to make this determination is to universalize your maxims in order to reach a categorical imperative for proper behavior!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What level of philosophy are you in!? Kant is extremely difficult, and I can't believe you have this assignment without understanding him!.

Besides, many say he is self-contradictory anyway, so it takes a lot of argumentation to prove anything one way or the other!.
Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com