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Question: What do you believe about!.!.!.!?
The Reincarnation


Evolution and Creation

United States of America

The Bermuda Triangle

The Solar System


The Iraqi War

Global Warming



Human Rights




Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow! Looks like I have to think on this one!.!.!.

1) Reincarnation - Why not!? Who's to say for sure that reincarnation doesn't exist in some form!?

2) Aliens - As in "life forms not on/of Earth"!. Of course there are other life forms in the universe! Plants/animals/minerals on Earth can't be the only life forms!. The universe is vast/infinite, and Earth is only a dot in it!.

3) Evolution and Creation - I consider myself a practicing Catholic, but I guess I'll be blaspheming in a second!.!.!. I believe in a combination of evolution and creation!. The universe and everything/one in it had to come from somewhere/one (creation aspect)!. But I also believe that everyone/thing has changed over the eons (evolution)!.

4) United States of America - We are not the super power we once were!. We have hit a plateau, and are in danger of backsliding a little!. It comes from too many years of thinking we're the best, and not enough effort to truly help others!. There's a difference between helping/working together and interfering/making things worse (you can't deny we've done that over the years)!. BUT I have hope for the future, and believe things are turning around (helping more instead of butting in)!. I'm proud to be an American, and wouldn't want to live anywhere else!.

5) The Bermuda Triangle - (Keep in mind that I'm not scientific) There's some sort of phenomena like electromagnetism that messes with the electronics!. Don't fly through it, and you'll be fine!.

6) The Solar System - As in "the sun to Pluto"!. There's A LOT more space out there!. It's vast/infinite, and we'll never reach the end of it!. (See my Aliens answer)

7) Earth - Just like the dinosaurs, humans are not the end-all-be-all!. We are on Earth for a scientifically short time, and are here at Mother Nature's sufferance - like a renter!. We need to take better care of the environment, because one day Mother Nature is going to evict us without another thought!. We don't want to go to court for how we left her place!

8) The Iraqi War - !.!.!. Let's just leave it at "God bless the troops" and I pray they're all (healthily) home soon!.

9) Global Warming - (See my Earth answer)

10) Gasoline - We're being gouged by the people in control!. Scientists are working their hardest to come up with fuel alternatives, but we know that's going to take a while!. Until then, we must do what we can!. I try to leave my car at home at least 3 times a week (carpool, walk, public transit, etc)!.

11) Happiness - No one can be 100% happy, 100% of the time!. It's against human nature!. Something unpleasant, if not downright miserable, will come up!. I fully believe that for every good day, you will have an equally bad day, so that things even out in the end!. Call it karma if you'd like!.

12) Human Rights - (See the Bill of Rights)

13) Money - Is a necessary evil!. I need money to live a good life, and I'd like to have more money to ensure I have a good future!. But, I don't let money rule my life!.

14) Economy - (See Earth, Global Warming, and Gasoline)

15) Yourself - I have a lot of opinions about myself, so I'll leave it at this: I like to think of myself as a realist!. I am a work in progress, and always will be!. I am FAR from perfect!. I do things I regret, but know I wouldn't change my actions even if I could!. Heck, I'd even do the exact same things if I ever lived my life over!. Mistakes are a part of living and learning!. Along with mistakes, I have times I'm quite proud of myself and my actions!. But I don't let it go to my head!. (See Happiness)Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is alot in that question!.

but to spring to mind, alot of the badness will be erased and the guilt and negativity will plage the the greedy, power ridden, men that currently swim in gasoline and take it from the middleast you know who you are ;)

The bermuda triangle I believe is another portal on our planet that can enter a time warp or dimension pretty much like they are dimension and black holes in the universe!. Although I don't believe in have the nonsense claims that go on about the bermude triangle!.

Global warming is real!. Its now happening faster!. We must take control of it, and take responsibilty for the havok and polluition we are causing at present!.

"Start by cleaning your room" if your room is dirty than you treat the world in the same respect!.

Second Its not theory like the american republicans sprout about just to get their oil and pump more carbon into the athmosphere, if global warming issue was tackled all the bush heads will go bankrupt, so they brainwash americans to believe that GW is a hoax!.

Money will phase out in a few generations IMO!. Humanity will evolve for better means of living!.

Happiness, is something that we create out of good, and happiness is us expressing it out to the world!.

Is to me like the death and rebirth!. it and everything in life can be atered, changed, renewed in different forms, much like the animal rotting in the soil and giving nutrients to the soil to allow new life to grow!. after that the mind is limitless realms where many religions and spiritualists believe that we can move to a new bodies!. it could be possible, i believe it is so!.

United states = how not to run a country!. UGH!.!.!.

Aliens, yes of course!. not the UFO crap the american government hoax all the time in nevada and new mexico!. jeez!.!.

human rights, yes i believe deffo in this, i believe everyone born should have equal rights, its only a matter of time before it comes a reality!. humanity was destined to become one and will become one!.

solar system what do you mean what do i belive about it!?

think I've answer them all, hope it helps :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

To a certain degree we will be reincarnated since we are energy and energy never dies!.
Aliens are imagined creatures form a sci-fi author
Creation is a reality that proves itself everyday, while you would need to wait another million years to find out if evolution can prove itself!.
The USA is always under the microscope of the rest of the world, so we'd better be diligent on what we do!.
The Bermuda triangle is caused by the methane gas being emitted from beneath the oceans floor, that has been answered!.
The solar system is only one of many!.
The earth is the place I call home, we all need to take better care of it!.
The war is only another stupid conflict created by stupid men that have no clue of what is really important in life!.
Global warming is another scare tactic to make money!.
Gasoline has run it's course, it has been the cause of more death than all the wars put together and has been the cause of many wars itself!.
Happiness comes from true contentment!.
Human rights is a noble cause that will never be fully achieved because men will never be perfect, so they are not capable of living in perfect harmony with others!.
Money is something everyone should be given from the time they finish school so long as they are drug free and have a clean record!. They should be given a set amount to get a good start in life!. That would balance the powers and everyone could make a good life for themselves!. We are still wasting the lives and resources of our youth with poverty!.
The economy is a joke, ever since we went off the gold standard, we could just print whatever we need!.
I am a unique individual that is happy with what I have been given!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe they are all apart of the past -- in the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com