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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the reason for your belief/disbelief in god?

Question: What is the reason for your belief/disbelief in god!?
could you describe the reason for your belief/disbelief in god

and DONT say there is no reason!!!!!
of course there is!!!!!

I want the reason for your belief, please don't BORE me with a definition of belief, or why my question cant be answered etc!.!.

(please could atheists and agnostics also respond to this question, don't be shy)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't remember ever believing in God!. I probably stopped believing in God around the same time as Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy!. I don't remember believing in them either, though I enjoyed pretending to as a child!.
I grew up jewish and I went to hebrew school!. I remember thinking that I didn't believe in any of this stuff, but at least it's a good moral message I can agree with!. Then I actually started reading the bible rather than having people tell me about it!. My torah portion for my bar mitzvah was Leviticus 20:10 - 20:20!. Read it sometime!. It's a list of sexual crimes in order of sevarity along with the corresponding punishments!. Homosexuality is considered worse than incest, but not as bad as bestiality!. It is punishable by death!. (Male homosexuals, not female) also, father/daughter incest, the most common kind, is conspicuously missing from that list!. (also read the story of the Daughters of Lot!.)
By the time I had my bar mitzvah, not only didn't I believe in God, but I didn't agree with my religion either!. I debated the belief in God with my father, who was supportive, and I studied it in philosophy classes!. I also studied a lot of physics!. There just never seemed to be any reason to presupose any God in the world to answer any questions in my mind!. When a question has no known answer, the natural assumption for me has always been that we don't know the answer yet, not that God did it!.
So that's why I don't believe in God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe in God because I find the mind-body problem otherwise incapable of solution!.

The problem itself, in the form in which Descartes brought it to clarity, is a daunting one!. The "me" I usually think of when I think of myself is immaterial!. It is a stream of thought, cogito, not directly observable to anyone else!.

Yet when other people think they know me, what they think they know is a body, a material object, that moves about in the world and talks and types on a keyboard and so forth!.

Two very different Mes!. Thought and matter, mind and body!. So different, in fact, it isn't easy to understand what the connection might be!. Descartes himself posed the problem well, but got the answer wrong, as many of his critics even at the time instantly noted!.

In the tradition of Malebranche and Spinoza, I can only find my way out of this puzzlement by believing in a single all-encompassing Substance, a God, in which mind and body both make sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have no beliefs, and you need to know the definition of "belief", if you discuss it so glibly!. I assume you know what a belief is, then!. I have knowledge, based upon looking at all available evidence, not beliefs that are groundless!. There is no proof that any gods exist!. In Philosophy, why mention only one god!? Holy books are so dumb that they prove the gods in them cannot possibly exist!. A god that created the universe would know pi is not 3!.00, that the sky is not a solid dome a few miles away that can roll up like a scroll, that both God and Devil could not inspire David's census, that Jesus could not be born in both 10BC and 7AD, etc!., etc!. I have studied major world religions, and that helps one to gain objectivity about such matters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Theology says faith and reason are antithetical!. [See Boethius; Augustine; Aquinas; Martin Luther; Occam; others!.]

I believe them!. Therefore I reject faith in favor of reason!. There are 2 reasons for believing in God: revelational experience; natural theology!. Natural theology uses reason, but I find no reason in it, and no proof of god in the birds, bees, the beauty of the flowers, the grandness of the Grand Canyon, or the vastness of the universe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your question presupposes a belief in a god!. Or else, a disbelief!. Haven't you considered that regardless of one's belief, unbelief or other kind of thinking, there will be a god or God, or a supreme being, if it has to be that way at all, whether we like it or not (or believe in it or not)!?

We don't see the wind but I feel the gentle breeze that tells me there is a wind!. I didn't put it there nor do I know which god did it!. For more proof, you can take a look at the hapless faces of Burmese folk that survived the monster winds this week!.

I like to think that if there is a God, it isn't a he or a she!. Maybe it's a THEM!. Know why!? Open the book of Genesis and see that God doesn't say "I will create the heavens, the firmament and I will separate the waters from the land", or "I will create man"!. Instead, God says: "LET US create!.!.!." which means they where a bunch in those early days and time!. That aggravates your problem because there may be a lot of supreme guys up there to ponder the belief in them or the lack of it!.

What I do think is that there is a primordial first principle or first cause that underlies all creation that is the basis of the created world (I don't mean just planet earth but all matter consisting of the trillions of star systems nestled in those billions of galaxies)!.

What's more, this first principle is not substance or matter but precisely a principle that's maybe hard to understand if we think in terms of matter and energy alone!. The alternative is to think in terms of mind or mind power as the principle that has given birth to matter and the created worlds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

being a simple little mouse, i believe if your good and decent you go to heaven and if your horrible you go to hell!. And all them really nasty people that say just before there about to die i repent hard luck your for hell!. Other than that i don't quite know how else to put it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

disbelief because for example of heaven which involes the belief in God, no one has ever came back from there and comfirmed that its a real place!.also that just leads to the question of who created God though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you know many doest not believe in GOD because they believe only the things that they see


Yahoo! doesn't allow me to use that much characters so i can show my proof of His existence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com