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Position:Home>Philosophy> Try and prove/disprove god exists?

Question: Try and prove/disprove god exists!?
Use your own reasoning please!!

I don't want direct quotes from famous theologians and philosophers!!

Thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You're looking for original proofs and disproofs of God's existence on Yahoo Answers!!? Good luck!. Great philosophers throughout history have tried and repeatedly failed to answer this question!. I answered a question about one of the "proofs" of god's existence a while back outlining the flaws in each major proof!. Nobody here is going to do any better than anselm, descartes, pascal and others like them!.

EDIT: Young philosopher, speaking in tounges is a mass psychological phenomenon!. People who experience it often believe they spoke a language they don't know, typically one of the languages of the bible, like Latin or Aramaic!. However, recordings have repeatedly shown that they are speaking giberish!. Similar phenomenon can be seen in other circumstances too!. For example, in some parts of India, people sit around with their religious leaders and laugh, with nothing funny going on!. The power of suggestion has a much bigger effect than people realize, especially in a group setting!.

EDIT: Sarah, that is called the teleological argument, or argument from design!. It is among the more popular of the standard arguments for God's existence!. All it proves is that there are organizing principles, not that the organizing principle must be God!. Natural selection is the organizing principle behind evolution, just as gravity is the organizing principle behind astronomy!. They explain how one gets order out of chaos without presupposing God!.

EDIT: To address your additional comments, I don't remember ever believing in God!. I probably stopped believing in God around the same time as Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy!. I don't remember believing in them either, though I enjoyed pretending to as a child!.
I grew up jewish and I went to hebrew school!. I remember thinking that I didn't believe in any of this stuff, but at least it's a good moral message I can agree with!. Then I actually started reading the bible rather than having people tell me about it!. My torah portion for my bar mitzvah was Leviticus 20:10 - 20:20!. Read it sometime!. It's a list of sexual crimes in order of sevarity along with the corresponding punishments!. Homosexuality is considered worse than incest, but not as bad as bestiality!. It is punishable by death!. (Male homosexuals, not female) also, father/daughter incest, the most common kind, is conspicuously missing from that list!. (also read the story of the Daughters of Lot!.)
By the time I had my bar mitzvah, not only didn't I believe in God, but I didn't agree with my religion either!. I debated the belief in God with my father, who was supportive, and I studied it in philosophy classes!. I also studied a lot of physics!. There just never seemed to be any reason to presupose any God in the world to answer any questions in my mind!. When a question has no known answer, the natural assumption for me has always been that we don't know the answer yet, not that God did it!.
So that's why I don't believe in God!. I hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think God can be proved or disproved to anyone other than YOURSELF!.

If you want to prove or disprove, you have to become dedicated to have a direct experience of God!. But God can be known (experienced) by the age old process called "renunciation" or some call it "surrender!." It is a silent world and the revelation comes in this stillness!.

So no one can prove God to anyone else, but God can be proven to ones own self!. This will explain it in western terms!. And I need to add that this is seen by many as a highly controversial book!. http://gospelenigma!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

When theologians say there is no scientific proof and no theological argument for the existence of god, and that faith and ONLY faith can bring one to god, I believe them!.

Then I reject faith!.

So why should I or anyone else try to prove/disprove god when the theologians from Boethius in the 5th century on have said it can't be done!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, for starters he has not spoken in a while!. And if he does speak to you they put you in the nut house!. The Bible is really just the first book of laws!. Without them what would the world be like!? And it was told with stories handed down generation to generations!. So it's kinds true!. Kinda embellished!. I don't feel that we need the narrow minded so called Christian nut cases out there!. Most of them are so Christian to the point that they are not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You shouldn't need proff but I will give you some!. Look at how you and me are made and look at how your pet is made or just a blade of grass!. There has to be a reason, we can't just poof and here we are!. Look at how women has a baby, how can that be possible!. If you exspect me to belive with a bang we were formed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go to a Pentecostal Church or a C!.O!.G!.I!.C (Church of God in Christ)!. I'm not guaranteeing that it will happen every Sunday, but when they're receiving the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues, they are not faking it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

god is a believe and for me he is not who would from heaven to save the humanity but the believe of the people that he would come to save the humanityWww@QuestionHome@Com

he let you make this Post!Www@QuestionHome@Com