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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the biggest problem we are facing as mankind?

Question: What is the biggest problem we are facing as mankind!?
What could be done to change that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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How to get along!. Now I know this sounds stupid!.!.!.but think of it on a larger scale!. Countries don't get a long!.!.!.people of different religions don't get along!. This can cause WARS!.
Is it really that hard to all be friendly to eachother!?!?!? I really don't get it!. We are living with are hearts in the gutter!. Why can't we just go in and fish em' out!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The biggest problem we are facing as mankind is our possible (probable!?) extinction because of global warming!.

We will probably not be able to remedy this problem because too many people are making too much money out of the way things are set up right now!. And we would also have to make tremendous lifestyle changes that most of us would refuse to make!.

Besides, even if we WERE to try to do something about it at this point, we would most likely only delay its onset!.

So we will continue going on more or less the way we have been until we really start to feel the major effects of global warming!. Once we do, we will make desperate attempts to ward it off, but our efforts will be much to little and much too late!.

Harleigh Kyson Jr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Theres a lot of problems we face as mankind!. Like individual problems, family, society, economic, political, social and global!.!.!. and one time i was thinking that all these problems can not be solved in just a day!.!. you will need quite a lot of days to solve these problems!. There are so many issues in life that we as mankind cant even realize!. The earth is a mystery and we cant figure out what and how to solve all these :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

My opinion is that mankind cannot get over the plain fact that, despite obvious differences, in opinion and otherwise, each person is extremely alike!. It is this notion, and the notion of fear that sets in when this realization takes place, that causes wars and conflict!. Man doesn't want to belive that this man, who has such different ideas and ideals, could be so similar to himself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Violence towards one another!. It's a difficult problem to solve!. I think wars can be reduced by bringing the whole world into a first world economy!. The more each country relies on each other to make money the less they'll want to fight each other!. Look at Europe now!. There's no way in hell they'd get in a war today!. But before the second half of the 20th century they had been almost constantly at war for thousands of years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Over cunsuption of the enviorment ,mankind takes to much we enjoy or need!. We over do and counsume evrey thing we come in contact with!. This is our biggest problem one of many!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Mother nature has the solution somewhere!. We just need to kill enough other species and destroy enough habitat to release the final solution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Womankind, and no, there is nothing that can be done to change that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
