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Position:Home>Philosophy> So really, what's the point?

Question: So really, what's the point!?
From the moment we are conceived in the womb, we begin a battle!. Our bodies and minds are hard wired for this battle!.
It is the battle for survival!. The battle for life!.
And yet, this is a battle we can not win!. We may die when we are infants or we may die when we are 95, but we still are going to die at some point, and therefore, lose the battle!.
And even if there is some form of life after death, it doesn't change the fact that life, as we know it, is over!.
Suppose you were about to engage in battle with some foe, and you realized that there was no possible way to win!.
Would you still fight the battle!? If so, why!? When you already know the outcome!?
So, exactly what is the point of living!?
If you are one of the lucky ones, you will be born in a decent country, into a decent family and you will be fairly good looking and healthy and get a decent education!.
Even in this best case scenerio, you will work hard all your life, then get chucked into a nursing home and die!. For whatWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We are born to die, that's the goal, not the battle!.
While we are here we are collecting dreams that form who we are after we reach our goal!. Death is the beginning of eternity!. Life is embryonic; we hatch at death!.
Maybe that's why only the good die young!. They got all their dreams in order early!.
Life is like going shopping to prepare for a trip!.
Whoa, I gotta go take a nap (get some more dreams)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Death is because of sin!. So until the end of the earth and the Lord returns, we will all die!. Those who ask for salvation from Christ, will go to heaven; those who don't, will go to hell!.

It's kind of how you look at the battle!. You can look at it like this- I'm going to die so just not fight or I'm going to die so might as well fight to the death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Change the world for your children to that one day we may not need to die!.
But what is death!? is it pointless other than making room for the next generation!? Is it more!? Do you transend this plane of existance to another!? we dont know this so we fear death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that is called life!.

yes, I treasure every moment I live!. Because what matters most is that I was given the chance to live!. I am going to make the most of it and be a blessing to others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're already assuming the point of life is to not die!. Whereas there is no point to life, so your argument can't get started!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow, stop thinking about everything so much!. Just enjoy life :pWww@QuestionHome@Com

because the alternative is worse!. and the point is whatever you choose it to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok, i have a feeling that you were high when you asked this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you want to die in the battle without having a good fight!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

"When you were young and your heart was an open book, you used to say live and let live!. But if this ever changing world that you live, makes you give in and cry, say live and let die!."

A very good suggestion in my opinion!.

You said, "suppose you were about to engage in battle with some foe, and you realized that there was no possible way to win!. Would you still fight the battle!?" (hell yeah) "If so why!?"

And Paul McCartney would say "What does it matter to you!? When you've got a job to do, you've got to do it well!. You've got to give the other fella hell!."

And yes, we only get to live once!. That makes your life more precious than anything else you will ever have!. So whether you are born rich or poor, your quality of life, and what meaning you would attach to it, is entirely in your hands!. Defeat would be unfortunate, but surrender would be unacceptable!.

So if for nothing else, life is lovely for that struggle!. So do not go gently in that good night!. Rage, RAGE against the dying of that light!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did you want to live forever!?If so, just imagine, all those who where born even before your ancestors where still living, i mean strong, not just living!.Do you think you would have a chance to get a job, have space to play, own your own home,car e!.t!.c!?!?NO,because the earth would be too full!.
Without these battles, you would not have a sound mind like the one who have right now!.
I do believe that life would have been a total bore,why, because we would just sit around and wait for everything to come our way!.
As for "fighting Battle you are sure to loose", its just like eating little food you know will not satisfy you,but all the same you will still have it because a little is better than none!.
Thanks for askingWww@QuestionHome@Com