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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the THE DUTY OF AN INTELLECTUAL in society?

Question: What is the THE DUTY OF AN INTELLECTUAL in society!?
Do they exist exclusively for themselves, because they do not mix with the masses or, do they have a more important social role by fighting for the interests of the masses!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We certainly do mix with the masses!. Where did you get that idea!? But we do not exist FOR the masses, and we do not exist to fight for the interestes of the "masses!."

We are sovereign individuals, just as you are, and exist for no purpose other than the purpose we make for ourselves!.

"The meaning of the term “duty” is: the moral necessity to perform certain actions for no reason other than obedience to some higher authority [the masses,] without regard to any personal goal, motive, desire or interest" [altrusism!.]
Ayn Rand
[ ] added by meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well they contribute to technological advancement, and reserch!. But you have to remember the majority of society is ignorant in more ways then one and ignorant doesn't mix with intelegence!.

Ignorant people usually tend to brush off and not believe new discoveries, and are reluctant to change customed life styles!.

So you could also say that the duty of an intellectual is what ever ingnorance allows!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Being more intelligent than you doesnt obligate me to you in any way!.

Its the individuals choice to receive education and to apply that education!.!.!. just as its the individuals choice to disregard the opportunities at education that they have!.

Consider this!.!.!. lazy people are the ones that refused to get educated, refused to pay attention in school!.!.!. and now laziness is used as an excuse to obligate more capable people at holding your hand and wiping your butt!? I think not!.

Whether or not its right for anyone to horde what they have (be it education or wealth) or to refuse to donate what they have to society (be it education or wealth)!.!.!. is a different issue and irrelevant to the question asked!.

Yes!.!.!. it is wrong for an intellectual not to serve society!. But its also wrong for anyone to not serve society!. Its wrong for the uneducated not to clean my toilet for me!.!.!. if thats all you are capable of doing then that is your duty in society!.

Being more or less educated doesnt make any one person more or less obligated to society!. We should all be obligated to society, regardless of our education!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Intellectuals are philosophers who contemplate philosophical questions that face mankind then try and determine theyre acuracy or falseness then make up their minds for an analysis to conclude!. Example The late Dr Martin Luther King was a theological philospher who used the discourse of religion as a basis to determine the rights & wrongs of man (white)!.He combined religion an his own shifting moral ethical presumptions on the wrongs of segregation in America between the whites & blacks!. This shift in justice was also fueled by the non violent pacifist ways of Ghandi who guided India to independence from the British with peaceful measures!. King saw that movement of people didnt need to use violence in order to emancipate themselves from injustice!.
In the end the American justice system saw the gave injustices perpetuated on the Afro - Americans, and thus eventually accorded them equal rights as their white brothers!.
This is just one example of an intelllectuals capacity to change the course of history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"DUTY" of an Intellectual! Ahh! It sounds rude to me! Better use the RESPONSIBILITY of an intellectual indeed!. Well, no person is born as intellectual to grow up for responsibilities :)
Two way you may think the matter: 1) Some say or use the term as Born Intellectual! That's one thing!. Few days before I heard of a young lady of 18, who completed her PhD & joined as World's Most Youngest Professor at an Korean University!
2) Some become intellectual gradually by 'studying' attentively & by observing one's surrounding minutely!.
Now question is this, "do they HAVE TO BE RESPONSIBLE" to the society!? I think, NO! In fact, the intellectuals spontaneously DO their works-----all their works are taken as 'their responsibility to the society' by us or by the society!. From my experience, I've seen so many 'intellectuals', quit their own society for other foreign places for their interest---great or mean! How can you label them as DUTIFUL intellectual!? Or at all responsible!? That's why I said, they were not born with the so-called DUTY or Responsibility!.
It's not always true that Intellectuals remain within themselves, yet I've seen 'some' of them doing so! :-(
[ they think, "To share ideas or to gossip, they need other 'intellectuals!]
True INTELLECTUALS never ever 'know', whether they are at all intellectual! (So nice of them! And a society honor them really as highly intellectual)!. They think themselves as normal human being & mix with others the way they themselves were among them! At that moment, they notice the 'irregularities' or anything 'improper'-----they apply their wisdom to make correction!. That's their inner education or (as you said) DUTY! They feel a kind of responsibility to the people, they were part of!. Finally, Duty of a night-guard is must whereas Duty of an Intellectual is something spontaneous!. A night-guard is paid by $, an Intellectual is paid by "satisfaction from the society" For example, I can mention the name of our Nobel Laureate, Dr!. Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh, who won the Nobel 2008 for working in favor of so lower class people of our country as well as for others like USA! It was not his DUTY, rather the inner urge to apply his knowledge to bring out 'his' people, starting with $65 at hand! His idea of Micro-Credit made him the "Bankers of the Poor!" Still he works with the same ordinary people! Intellectual, who exist exclusively for themselves are HYPOCRITE or Too Conservative!. Their wisdom seldom works for mass people, I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

grey area really as an intellectual can mean a lot of things,

I think in this case they are for the benefit of the world, to read particular subjects and evolve theories and research particular fields to aid developmentWww@QuestionHome@Com

The duty of all should be to each other!. Intellectuals just have a greater capacity to use their minds!. That does not mean they are different from non-intellectuals!. What is an intellectual anyway!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Intellectuals inspire reasoning and wisdom!.

Warriors battle and wage war for Peace!.

The Intellectually Wise Loving Warrior be the Victor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to find out who they truly are, instead of only identifying with their mind!. there is much more to life than hanging round in mind, and go on repeating some intellectual concepts they have heard and read somewhere!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just like in religion spreading the word of faith, spreading the word of knowledge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not being stupid and guide the common plebs toward the right path (even if they go kicking and screaming)Www@QuestionHome@Com