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Position:Home>Philosophy> What does it mean ? when an ant struggling for life in a river, a dove sitting o

Question: What does it mean !? when an ant struggling for life in a river, a dove sitting on a nearby tree thrown a leaf
A dove saw an ant struggling for life in the river and it thrown a leaf towards the ant!. The Ant jumped into the leaf and escaped from the danger!. Next day, the ant saw a hunter aiming the dove on the tree to kill!. The ant bite the leg of the hunter while he aiming the dove!.!.the arrow turned another way, the dove escaped!.!. what is this!? like a king, queen story!.!.once upon a time there lived a king!.!. no !.!. not like that!.!. something is there in the story!.!.!.can you guess !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours!?

What comes around, goes around!?


If you were a religious person you will want to read an answer that goes like this:
"God moves in mysterious ways"
" Your answer comes in the least expected ways"
"God looks after you , sometimes you only have to trust"

If you wree a philosopher realist, you would want an answer like this instead:

"Coincidence, my foot !, Mother nature sees everything, hears every prayer, records every good and bad deed in everyones heart!. Your thoughts are like books to read, your hearts hopes and fears are hers to fix or solve!.
She maintains a balance in the planet!. Remember that!."

"Whatsoever you do to the least of your brothers, you would do, unto me"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will try it is like they want to kill the dove but the ant bit the hunter because the ant might be friends now do you get wat I'm saying !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in life you always need somebody's helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Pay it foward!Www@QuestionHome@Com