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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is mental illness SO LITTLE UNDERSTOOD in most societies?

Question: Why is mental illness SO LITTLE UNDERSTOOD in most societies!?
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Scientists have not found any clear evidence to stabilise a disturbed mind, as the action, thoughts and behavioural symptoms of an inconcise metal state are not completely verifiable!.

It is a spiritual dilemma!. Scientist are required to build bridges with competent spiritualists!. This would ideally lead to many findings and cures!. Alas there is much profit to be secured by prescribing medicines and treatment to the mentally fraught and therefore this avenue of research remains untrodden!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because people are afraid of it!. Like it might be contagious! I think people like to think that the mentally ill are somehow a breed apart! If you lump people together as "mentally ill" you can then think yourself safe from "getting" it yourself!. I also think a lot of people confuse mental illness with psychopaths and serial killers!.!.!. a lot of "sick" people use "mental illness" and diminished responsibility as an "excuse" for abhorrent abnormal behaviour!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it's a taboo subject!. For many years homosexuality was the same!.!.!.until more education became available and society changed its opinion!. Unfortunately, mental illness still has a neg label attached to it!. Just think of the terminology used 'crazy', 'insane', 'depressed', 'manic'!.!.!.these are NOT objective terms!. They are negative and degrading!. Therefore people in our society still have that view!.!.!.or idea that these illnesses are somehow bad!. Lack in education is the problem!. Until more solid, objective education is conducted, there will be no change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of people do not want to learn about mental illness and automatically "brand" a mentally ill person as mad!. The only real people who truly understand mental illness are the people who have had some kind of mental illness or the doctors who have studied it in detail!. People do not want to believe that our mind can just go wrong and that just because you cannot see the illness (like you can with a broken leg for instance), doesn't mean it doesn't exist!. What some people dont realise that is that it can happen to any one of us in our life!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because people are scared of what they don't understand!. And instead of doing the logical thing and finding out the facts, they stick to the nice safe place and make their own judgments based on nothing!.
People with mental illnesses are usually some of the nicest people you'll ever meet, and are rarely violent, but people presume they're freaks just because of the way they look or act, even if they have no control over it!. It's sad, but true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most people have the mentality of "Why try to understand it when you can make fun of it!?" It doesn't only apply to mental illness, but also physical, developmental, and social handicaps!. Some people are just rude!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it must be a rural area or person suffering from this disease must be from rich familyWww@QuestionHome@Com

because its not ''normal'' and people fear what is different from themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com