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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why can't we just all get along?

Question: Why can't we just all get along!?
Everyone out there always got to hate on each other!. Noone can't learn or even see that we are all people in this world!.
Like for ex: Why are there so much hate on black people and mexicans!? Thanks to a great man name M!. L King!. Now Black people have to freedom to do whatever!. But are we still free!?!? No! There are still people still hating on blacks or anyone with diff skin color!. Are we not all human!? Did god not made us all the same!? YES! OF COURSE we are diff, like in smarts, what are likes, and dislikes, and whatever!. But what makes us the same is that we are all humans!. God gave us brains, eyes, legs, arms, and ect!. We all love, we all hate, we all talk the same way as we are born to talk as!. SO I SAY IT AGAIN! WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!?!? also I want to put!. Why must we all fight, or kill or do alot of back things in this worst world!. I dream that one day when I walk out this door!. The world would be a better place for all man kine!.
SO LETS AL LOVE EACH OTHER!. GodblessWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes God did give us brains and so on and so forth, but with all that we were given the ability to form our own opinions and to think for ourselves!. It is in our nature to fight for what is ours to fight for what we believe but it is a curse that we don't all believe in the same thing and therefore everyone as a whole cannot seemingly agree on one manner in which things should be run!. Take a look at countries who only have one supreme ruler with no seneate or delegates, then look at the chaos around that country!. Sorry to say but there will always be hate, without it there wouldn't be love!. As for the anger towards races, think about all the animosity towards caucasians that african americans still hold, yet the caucasians of today are not the ones who wronged the african americans of the past and yet neither are the african americans of today the ones of the past!. I personally am Native American, I have just as much right to hold a grudge but I don't!. I don't hold a grudge for all the suffering caused to my people all the lives and land stolen, the women and children and villages ravaged because I CANNOT CHANGE THIS!. It has been doen, now it is our responsibilty to be sure it does not happen again and not just to our kin but to anyone!. There will always be someone out there to screw up your day, it is a matter of whether or not you let it get to you!. If you are african american and a white person gives you a dirty look, give em a smile cause not only will it piss em off but it will confuse em!. Same goes for all races, and one day maybe you will smile at someone and they will smile back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Preaching peace with " Kiss my *** " as a name!? I think that's proof enough why peace isn't possible, ignorance is a disease that infects the good of the many and festers in their brains until they think their ignorance is the ignorance everyone should indulge in!. God Bless, not everyone believes in God, another instance of your trying to press your ignorance on everyone else!. There will not be peace until everyone is either brain dead, or as smart as I am!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All hates on black and mexicans!? While i definatly dont hide what white people have done in the past to black people!. Black people and mexican people of this day and age are just as racist as any white person!. Why cant we all get along!? Im honestly not sure!. But i agree with you in an ideal world this would happen but people are selfish and groups are selfish and races are selfish and sexes are selfish and when everyone is out for themselves everyone gets hurt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes I see where you are coming from!.

I just came across my own therory!.
Every individual is a friend to every other individual on earth!.
But at the same time there is competition - the force of life that ensures our survival!.
But the competitive nature also bears the evil of jealousy!.
This is the root of all the evils the men do!.

We need to learn that our survival is either all or none -
only then shall mankind learn to get along as you wish!.


You're forgetting the Natives here!. They were here before the arrival of African American or Mexicans!.
The Natives were pushed away, can't get back their lands, their freedom, nor their rights!. No one seems to remember, nor bother about that!.!.!.they too have everything, and know how to live in accordance with the land though!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am perfectly willing to just get along!.

"Where a man is not judged by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character!."

I happened to be born Caucasian!.

So what!?


BTW: Kiss My A** is not a handle that is guaranteed to further your agenda of racial harmony!. It sounds a tad hostile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I DONT hate someone just because of their race!. They are all human and deserve to be treated the same,yes!. Let's all love each other!. sure!. But no, i don't believe god created us!. For those fighting/killing it's like it's their way of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would be a lot easier to believe your sincerity in this question of all of us getting along if your avatar didn't tell me to "kiss your *ss!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

we don't all get along because there are always those people that want to be better then everyone else, they fight among each other and then manage to drag everyone else along!. (we're currently fighting the rich mans war)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't worry, if u can do some day everyone around u will do it!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your 'nickname' for this Yahoo Answers itself will make many think whether you mean what you say! Kiss my *** you say!. Many will wonder what he/she means!. Many will find this offensive!. many will find it fun and some will find it odd!. Whatever , when we come across people , around us , we have to judge them with out limited knowledge and with the help of our 5 sense organs!. We all carry bundles of negativities deeply rooted and conditioned by the society!. That Mexicans are doing a certain type of service to the community as there is no one to do this is forgotten!. !. This is how we all develop !.Www@QuestionHome@Com