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Question: Globalism!? How many items in our homes are locally made and built with local materials!?
If everyone started buying items that were made locally and build from local materials,!.!.!.what changes would happen and how would it effect the world!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A small percentage (approx!.10%)!.!.!.

Well i dunno about the world, but if Egypt started making its own things we'd have:
1)more job opportunities
1)less unemployment
2)less crime
3)less poverty
4)more national pride
5)better economy
6)more trust between the ppl and the government

and probably less dependence, hatred, and violence in the world because the economies won't be so dramatically extremal!.

EDIT2 !.!.!. what the third answerer said about exporting to richer countries for more money: that's exactly the problem !.!.!. all the good stuff is being exported and we get lower-quality, more expensive products!. If we exported the completed product maybe we would have benefited but the fact is we export the material because of the money temptation and the we import the finalized product!. In this process we lack the material to work with so jobs are scarce and we are in need for the product so we import it, paying god-knows-how-much money!. It's not as utopian as it is in theory!. We are going through a "bread crisis" (seriously a BREAD CRISIS) because of the increase in prices and I think because of the fact that we export so much wheat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Speaking as someone who has studied economics as a science rather than a dogma, I have to strongly disagree with the 1st two answerers!. All the evidence, both in theory and in practice, support globalization and almost exactly contradict the assertions made above!.

Globalization provides more goods, and a greater variety of goods, to more people, at a lower cost!. It allows people in poor 3rd world countries to sell foods and goods to many more people than they could ever sell to in just their home country, making them better off as a result!. Without the ability to sell their goods in more affluent countries (where they can also charge a higher price than they could at home), it is questionable if they could even make enough to get by on!.

Try this thought experiment to compare local vs!. global!. Imagine it both from a buyer's and seller's point of view!. If it's better to only buy from (& sell to) others in your own country, then it should be even better to only buy from & sell to others in your state!. Better still would be to only buy & sell to others in your immediate town!.!.!.right!? Hmmm, suddenly resources are looking pretty limited!. What if there are no sources of wood to make things with, or no farms to grow food!? What if the only I!.T!. guy in town wants double the going rate to manage your computer system!? (Because you're limited, it's not like you have a choice!.) What if the only printing company in town does shoddy work using outdated equipment!?

The ultimate benefit of globalization comes from increased competition, increased supply & increased demand from the larger market size, all of which always are beneficial to both consumers and sellers alike!. Globalization also makes for a more efficient economy because resources can more effectively go to where they're most needed, and also because there are greater economies of scale!. The end result is that society as a whole is better off and more prosperous!.

This is not capitalistic dogma, but cold hard facts; as the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding!. The more free trade a country has, the more prosperous it is!. The more restrictive it is in trade, the poorer it is!. Globalization is simply economics overcoming the artificial and arbitrary boundaries we call national borders!. Human needs & wants know no borders, so why should the commerce that satisfies these needs & wants be restricted by borders!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

70 % of my household is locally made!.!.!.!.globalization creates new markets and wealth, even as it causes widespread suffering, disorder, and unrest!. It is both a source of repression and a catalyst for global movements of social justice and emancipation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com