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Position:Home>Philosophy> What could we do witrhout freedom?

Question: What could we do witrhout freedom!?
i mean like if we didn't have freedom what would we be able to doWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hm!. Depends on the kind of freedom!. Without political freedom, our lives might resemble people who live in communist nations, like North Korea or Myanmar!. Government officials might be corrupt and enjoy more comfortable lives, while the average person would suffer hardships!. Without religion freedom, we would all belong to the State Church, or religion might be outlawed, but we might otherwise be free enough!. Without economic freedom, we might have to do the same job our parents do, because we are born and would always stay in the same social/economic class!. We might not be able to buy much because no oe would produce much beyond necessities for living!. Without spiritual freedom, we would despair and live without hope of anything ever changing or getting better!. Without many personal freedoms, we might not be able to choose whom to marry, or where to live, or be able to travel anywhere without special permits, etc!. Without civil rights, which are a kind of freedom, we could be arrested on a whim, jailed or executed because someone didn't like us, or objected to our political opinions or beliefs or social class or ethnicity!. So different kinds of freedom give our lives different choices and possibilities!. Can you be a little more specific!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

As we are told if Freedom is not important!.

If Freedom is important, then the options become most open to obtain Freedom!. This means a personal commitment to self-control and personal responsibility!. That means self improvement, self-definition, and self-actualization!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what we were told to do!.
permitted to do, allowed to do!.
very 1984 in my head!.

Freedom is one of the only things we can value in life, we are nothing if it is taken away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything we can do when In Public Schools!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We would do whatever those in control of the government wanted us to do!. It would suck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

live the life we were INTENDED to have and never forget to tell people what things we know,!. and the ones we thing we know,!. that wold help my world a bunch!Www@QuestionHome@Com