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Position:Home>Philosophy> Whats happening to this place we call HOME?

Question: Whats happening to this place we call HOME!?
natural diasters after another!.!.!.the tornado that devasted myanmar(i dont know if i spelled that right!.!.) and now the earthquake that left hundreds and thousands without homes!.!.what is our world coming to!? one by one people are dying like this!.!.what can we do to stop this!? is this a sign that our world is coming to an end!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I wounder how old you are,why!?,Because some one who lived long ago would tell you how influenza claimed lives, plague, polio,HIV/AIDS and so many other diseases that came to pass!.
How devastating the earth quakes where and the volcanoes and so many disasters!.
I just think that these things are natural that is why we can not control them!.Its unfortunate that they find us standing on their way,that is why lives are lost!.
There are still so many things i believe humans don't understand about the universe, that is why we cant understand why all these is happening the way and the time it is!.
But don't you worry, we should continue to seek for answers to control what is happening other than jumping to conclusions!.
Thanks for asking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like you're just paying more attention to what's going on!.

That and the whole Global Warming thing!. People think that when it's cold, that's not Global Warming but the extreme cold is a part of it!. It also affects the severity of the other things, like tornadoes, hurricanes, storms, etc!.!.!.

Just do some research on Global Warming!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it is a sign that the world will soon perish!.

What do you mean 'what can we do to stop this'!? There is NO way to stop people from dying 0_0
Neither is there a way to stop natural disasters [yet]!.

Que sera seraWww@QuestionHome@Com

Do to stop it!? If the world is ending,let it end!.We had a good couple thousand years!.It will end eventually,so why try to drag it out!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Home this planet earth has it own agenda !. It is always changing !. Some times slow and others quickly !. If we accept this as the norm the planet will not surprise us !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Turbulent weather has been around for millions of years!.!.!.!.there are just more people to be threatened by it!. The more people on earth, the more people will die in these natural occurrences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

These things happen every year, this one is no differentWww@QuestionHome@Com

We can not stop the unleashed force from nature!. The artist will look at each picture and still not learn he is not God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I truly believe so!.!.
its all in the Bible!Www@QuestionHome@Com