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Position:Home>Philosophy> Who is willing to admit...?

Question: Who is willing to admit!.!.!.!?
That they don't have it all!. You know a couple eggs short of a dozen!. I don't have it all and I'm proud of it!. Actually there is a science to my logic rational or unrational!. Bottom line I'm tough enough to endure the "consequences"!. So call me a rebal and I do have a cause!. What is your cause!? The best answer will line up with my logic!. Here's a clue: I believe in the Truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When there's a little hunger in your belly you see thing in a whole new light !.All BS that is put out there for your distraction no longer attracts your attention !. Seek the truth where evil wants to hide it !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can quite happily say I don't have it all!. A sandwich short of a picnic and all that!. There is a method in my madness somewhere, but as long as it gets me there, does it really matter how I do it!? I'm a rebel with a cause too!. I've spent my life surrounded by so called "friends" who told me I'll never make it, never be anything!. I'm moving to New York in 2 weeks to start work as a professional choreographer!. I guess you could say I've seen the truth in those people and I'm pushing them aside to reach for what I want for once!. And if that's rebellious, then bring it on!.

Mac xWww@QuestionHome@Com

We all have a few screws loose and it all goes back to or up bringing, traits can be passed on fears, can be passed on violence, insecurity, list is endless its finding the balance vwhich is difficult and not be seen to be too nuts to the outside world !.!.!. friends etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Me! I'm willing, and able to admit it!. I don't have natha, nothing, siltch, zero a big fat lovable zero!. If not well grounded at least I am well rounded!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a few watts short of a fully lit bulb!. But I look at all the energy I'm conserving!. I look on the bright side!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.er the dim side!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God knows I suck at life sometimes, I can be a ditz or just plain stupid!. I'm realistic enough to admit that!. No ego trips here!Www@QuestionHome@Com