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Question: How is life enriched by literature!?
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how does literatire make life better!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Literature shows us other ways of being and doing, opens us to experiences we may never otherwise know, connects us to the past and to great beauty, gives us a sense of who we are and where we come from, ennobles our emotions, shows us the power of both love and despair, helps know we are not alone in anything we may experience or think and reminds us of our common humanity!. More concretely, many prisoners of war tell how a poem or song or passage from a book helped them stay sane and hold onto hope during their imprisonment!. Same for soldiers in many wars!. Literature is one mark of civilization!. All nations have some form of literature, whether it's written down or passed along orally!. It's a source of national pride, a representation of national character, and one of the most enduring testaments to the human spirit!. (Can you tell I like literature!?!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on what you are reading and what you considering literature!.

Non-fiction enriches your life by allowing you to learn from other people's mistakes, successes, troubles, attitudes, etc!. You get to read about their life and apply the lessons to yours without experiencing it the hard way!. It also allows you to gain better persepective on other people and their motives!.

Fiction could benefit your life as well!. It provides an escape for reality and serves to eliminate stress!. It improves your vocabulary and writing skills which can be used in your career!. It also lets a person activate their imagination, which is under-utilized due to our normal forms of entertainment (movies, tv, etc)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First try to understand all the greatest literature available; which can lead you in a correct path and help you to purify your mind by washing off all imprints inherited through your parents!. Then read them with clear understanding the concepts and follow the path shown by them!. The great literature are written by great saints only and when you read them & adopt them in life they (saints) help you invisibly as their thought force exists in the universal magnetic field!. I can suggest to read Thirukkural written By Tamil Saint Thiru Valluvar prior to 50BC and which has been translated in most of the world languages next to Bible!. But it is a non religious literature!. It contains two lines poems of 1330 in total!. If you read and follow you will becomes greatest of greats!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

literature is the best thing for those who'll never visit other countries, feel some special feelings or never will fight the Space Monster! Literature is a bridge to something which is inside us!Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.!.!.it is literature enriched by life!
literature is a gym for brain!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i guess cause you can express yourself through literatureWww@QuestionHome@Com

because of literature people have a creative outlet to play with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Reading makes one a better personWww@QuestionHome@Com