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Position:Home>Philosophy> If the second law of thermodynamics says that disorder increases with time does

Question: If the second law of thermodynamics says that disorder increases with time does that mean!?
that at time zero when the universe was created everything was perfectly organized and its been going downhill ever since!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Entropy in thermodynamics has some very specific and often non-intuitive meanings!. They don't necessarily mean 'order' in the normal sense in which that term is used!.

Perhaps a more accessible synonym might be 'available energy'!. Which gives you a good idea of what's going on - in the beginning there was a large amount available and over time it gets used up and will all eventually be in a form that's unavailable for use!. This is also called 'heat death'!.

By 'order' entropy tends to mean something more like 'unequal'!. Something concentrated tends to diffuse out if there's a place for it to go to!. It stops when everything is the same!. Some people see homogeneity as pretty orderly, too, even though it is a comparatively lower entropic state (for example, an all-brown house vs a house spattered with many colours of paint)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the notion of time and disorder are both subjective terms!. Their esse is percipi!.!.!. if no one was there to cause and perceive it!.!.!. then there was no disorder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, it means that everything was unitary = 1Www@QuestionHome@Com