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Position:Home>Philosophy> If a person was fanatically?

Question: If a person was fanatically!?
anti fanatic how would he reconcile this, would he not hate his self!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I just went through this with someone else in the R&S section, who said his belief was in bashing others beliefs, but religious relativists shouldn't mind this because he is after all entitled to his beliefs!. Absolutes do usually lead to paradox within the English Language!. Yay!. Congrats for figuring it out!. Put a smiley sticker on your forehead!. Try these:

I'll tolerate everything except intolerance!.

Everything in moderation, even moderation!.

Or consider the story of the Zen student who was told by his master to seek non attachment!. After years of zealously avoiding all material attachments, he still had yet to reach enlightment!. He complained to his master, who told him, "That's because you've been too attached to non-attachment!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, he would!. If he didn't, he'd wouldn't be as fanatically anti-fanatic as he claimed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fanaitism is always dangerous for the self and others even if they are for good causes!. The ways & means are more important than the goal to be achieved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com