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Position:Home>Philosophy> Where do you go to think?

Question: Where do you go to think!?
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Taking a long drive by myself and listening to good music, I can get lost in my thoughts when I drive, sometimes I get to where I am going and don't remember the drive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My room!. Mainly because my room is upstairs, at the end of the hallway, and faces out into the backyard, so it's pretty secluded from the rest of the house!. And I have it decorated to my liking so I love being in there!. I'm allowed to have candles and lighting those help me think and inpsire me to write!. I usually spend a lot of my time in my room!. lol
Or usually I'll go outside in the backyard!. It's completely surrounded by trees and fences so nobody can see in!. It's very private and quiet and I can think better out there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no one place where I can go to 'think'!.!.!.like a particular place that helps stimulate my gray cells & aids in thinking!.

On the days when I can afford the luxury of being alone I go to my bedroom or balcony!. When unable, I 'think' it over in the bathroom (now that's a perfect place to shed a few silent or not-so-silent tears too, & can blame it on the soap suds!)!.

These days I'm running around all over the place carrying wearisome 'thoughts' as constant companions in my head!. In the process I've burnt my fingers cooking, turned the gas-knob the wrong way, spilled the milk more than once, forgot to serve my father-in-law breakfast (I genuinely thought I had given him some!)!. I'm afraid if I go on like that I might end up doing something disastrous (unintentionally, of course) that would rid me and my thoughts once and for all!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We only think with 10% of our minds!. The rest normally sits idly by!. I think most of my thoughts before I go to bed!. I pass off my problems to my subconscious!. I have answers when I wake or I am able to solve problems I was not able to the day before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The garage!. I can't smoke in the house and tend to do my best thinking on my smoke breaks (cigs not weed)!. I also do some good thinking when driving on the expressway for some reason, when there isn't traffic it is just kind of relaxing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have created an in home altar to God to pray and worship and most of all to meditate and listen for God's voice for direction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my room!. It's usually dim and sometimes I'll light incense up, and I'll play a mix of mellow songs, and just lie on my bed, thinking!. Sometimes I might start writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have 3 times a day I call my think time!.!.!.

they are all in my bedroom

in the morning, after school/work, and before i go to bedWww@QuestionHome@Com

a far away world, away from extortion and explotation
a world that some people might calld a "dream"Www@QuestionHome@Com

My room, or in my secret hiding place!. I like walking around in the parking lot around my Church too, when I'm there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't go anywhere!. wherever I may be I think!. I have trained and tame my mind in such a way that it responds me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the Bathroom, in the morningWww@QuestionHome@Com

The forest!Www@QuestionHome@Com

at the park in the morningWww@QuestionHome@Com