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Position:Home>Philosophy> The most original thought I have ever had was _______________?

Question: The most original thought I have ever had was _______________!?
I'm still trying to come up with one!. :o)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I said this one time and since then I've said it to a lot of friends and now they're always saying to me, "You know that time you told me!.!.!.!.!.!.Well, it's so true!"

I told them, "A man will not get around to doing what you want unless HE is inconvenienced!"

And it's so true! We can have something that's not working in the house and I can tell my husband over and over that it needs to be fixed!. Nope!. Doesn't get fixed!. Then, one day he needs to use the whatever!. Doesn't work!. OHHHH! NOW it gets fixed!

At work, my printer isn't working!. Oh yeah, says the boss, we'll get that fixed!. Doesn't get fixed!. Then, one day he needs something printed out!. OHHHHHH! NOW it gets fixed!

Until a man is inconvenienced, nothing will change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, when I met my stepmother, at age six, I found myself sitting at a table one afternoon, she helping me with my homework, and we were getting to know each other, it had been about two weeks, and I was struck - just struck dumb - by the impression that she was also a kid - masquerading as an adult!.

I'm six years old now, and faced with the stunning idea/realization/delusion that this adult was not an adult at all but another kid pretending!.

That was a head-spinner!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The most original thought I have ever had was if i had a sister!.!.!.my life would change forever!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

originality is getting extinct!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my most original thought was about a civil war or somethin!. i forgetWww@QuestionHome@Com