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Position:Home>Philosophy> If all humans were deaf, yet we had enhanced sight and smell, would we still hav

Question: If all humans were deaf, yet we had enhanced sight and smell, would we still have such a thing as music!?
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It is a matter of fact that some deaf people DO enjoy music!. They may not be able to HEAR it, but they can often FEEL it!. I know many hearing people who like to turn up the volume of their music until they feel the effects of the sound through much of their body as well (sometimes becoming hearing-impaired people later in life as a result)!.

Don't forget, either, the Beethoven wrote much of his music AFTER he became completely deaf!. Presumably he had some basis other than just memory to compose some very nice pieces!.

And, as others have mentioned, there is dance!. Dance involves social senses, kinesthetic positioning, and other senses in addition to hearing!. I have very little doubt that even without hearing dance would appeal to those many other senses, and so some means would have to be developed to keep dancers in sync!.

Depending on your defintion of music, it might even include things like dance, light shows, and other things that are artistic in nature, repetitious to a degree, and time-dependant even if there is no auditory component at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, music is not all about listening I argue!. It involves movements and the emotions that come with it!.

Perhaps, if all humans were deaf, you would not also ask this question because there will always be another way of doing music!. However, if all humans become deaf because of some evolutionary processes, the questions would be difficult to answer because it is a consequence of unbecoming!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Excellent question!
I had a deaf friend in college and she was interested at least in the rhythm patterns of some music!.
Perhaps if all people were profoundly deaf, dance or other rhythmic movement would replace aural music!. Combined with colours, fabrics and costume, lights etc!.!.!.it might be even more beautiful to our enhanced senses than music is to our ears!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An interesting question meriting deeper consideration!.

I think music is not all about just sounds!.!.!.!. rhythm is very much the part and parcel of music and that can be communicated and enjoyed as well without any sound!.!.!.!. its impact can be enhanced through the sense of touch!. And who knows!.!.!.!. if the sense of touch is much enhanced, may be notes of different frequencies can be perceived and enjoyed as sound waves hit us through the air!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

As music concerns communication and the sense of harmony, which was very important in social development, I think we wound have developed further the arts concerning sight and smell, though a concert of aromas could be very pleasant, I don't know what the sex pistols would have been like!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably you'd have a symphony of rythmic color, movement, and vibration!.

And philosophy is not as pointless as questions like this make it sound!. This is a hypothetical question, not particularly philosophical unless there is some underlying point that I don't see!. Not all hypothetical questions are particularly philosophical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is obvious that we could not have anything like the music we have had over the years and centuries!. By definition, music is aural!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Already we are deaf!. Ur using if all humans were deaf!. We are deaf!. We are not having a habit listening other now!. so we are already deaf!.Www@QuestionHome@Com