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Position:Home>Philosophy> Anybody see Zeitgeist? Most depressing documentary ever?

Question: Anybody see Zeitgeist!? Most depressing documentary ever!?
This documentary was overall pretty entertaining but I'm not sure that I believe everything that was said!. Any opinions here from anyone else who has seen it!? After I watched it I just felt helpless!. Was that the point of the documentary!? If they were looking to inspire couldn't they have shown something that is inspiring!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It should have been entertaining because Zeitgeist is a MOVIE, designed to entertain!

And if you felt depressed from it, you are certainly not alone!.

It does warn about important REAL issues, and that is a good thing!. However, it is not the best choice in film to inspire critical thinking!. Like any MOVIE rooted in fact, it must bend those facts a little to enhance its entertainment value as a movie!.


Part 1 is completely offensive to Christians!. Because of that, I question whether the true motivation of the film may be the exact opposite of what meets the eye!. Many Christians will be so rightfully offended by Part 1 that they may skip Parts 2-3, or dismiss the entire movie as complete fiction!. You may be interested in this new film made in rebuttal to Part 1!.


If you were looking for something inspirational to balance off the negative, that may help!.

also as to Part 1, you may wish to view the links posted by the "Best Answer" in this recent Y/A question about "Zeitgeist"!. That poster linked an interesting document discussing the new world order from a Christian perspective:



There are better choices in film to watch for the purpose critical thinking, including:

The Ultimate Con

911 Mysteries Part 1 - Demolitions (Full - 1 ed,)

911 Blueprint for Truth: The Architecture of Destruction

Fiat Empire – Why The Federal Reserve Violates the Constitution

Endgame: Blueprint for global enslavement

Globalization: New Rulers Of The World

The Dangers of the "North American Union", Stop the SPP

Hacking Democracy

Additional videos and text links were provided by Answerers "Blue" and "Oishi" in this recent Yahoo Answers question about Zeitgeist:


I recommend you watch the films then do your own research to become more informed!.

The challenge you face in that research quest is to know WHO TO believe!.

One challenge is that our modern "electronic library", the Internet, hosts so much information it becomes difficult to identify what is, and what is not, accurate!. There is also the problem that the corporate elites who have hijacked our government & media have also hijacked many of our UNIVERSITIES!. Here are a couple of links to show you how that happens:

Yahoo News "Harvard gets record $100 million gift from Rockefeller"

Ford foundation

Carnegie foundation in the news

Because of that, one cannot always trust the word of the academics, as so many of them have been "bought" by special interest groups!. The title "Dr!." in front of an author's name does not always indicate credibility!. The best you can do is read from all sides, then compare what you read with the events happening now in America and around the world!.

And be very skeptical of what you hear from the main stream media!. There was a time when the main stream media attempted to honor the principles of good journalism, but that ended with the concentration of media ownership into a small number of corporate conglomerates!. The corporate media presents a world view aimed at protecting and promoting elite corporate interests!. You are not told what you are "not supposed to know"!. See, for example:

Big Media Interlocks with Corporate America

Media Conglomerates, Mergers, Concentration of Ownership

If you wish to ask a question about media brainwashing and politics, I would be pleased to provide an answer expanding on that topic!. If you ask why I do not link films posting both sides of the issues raised in Zeitgeist, the answer is: you already have available extensive coverage of "the other side" -- it is being fed to you daily by the government and the corporate main stream media!.


As my video links do not include a comprehensive film about the Federal Reserve, I refer you to a good book, "The Creature from Jekyll Island", by G!. Edward Griffin!. See this link where Griffin takes on his critics:

"Meet Edward Flaherty, Conspiracy Poo-Pooist"

Some further links you may find useful for inspiring critical thinking about the Federal Reserve!.

Gold Digest - "Vipers and Thieves

Dollar Creator, Wealth Destroyer

The National Debt - Who is the Creditor!?


Lastly (but importantly), it is worthwhile to note that the term "conspiracy theory" has been usurped to cover pretty much any legitimate questioning of government!. Like the term "liberal" (and I am a conservative), the term "conspiracy theorist" is now so often used in a prejorative sense that people often overlook the true meaning of the term!.

The hijacking of that term has been effective!. As witness, polls show that when questioned privately, the majority of Americans distrust the government's account of 9/11 TO SOME DEGREE!. In public, most people stay silent on that view out of fear of being labeled a "tin hat" or a "conspiracy theorist"!. And the issue doesn't stop at 9/11!. Many millions of people are concerned about recent legislation eroding our civil liberties, but few speak up publicly out of fear of being labeled a "conspiracy theorist"!.

If it interests you to learn more about "conspiracy theories" and the debunking thereof, the article linked here is a good read:


If you do your own research, and IF as a result you conclude that the issues warned of are real, then take comfort and inspiration in knowing that ignorance is not bliss and KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I found Zeitgeist to be an eye-opener!.

It brought to our attention the things governments do that really aren't for the public good!. The common citizen just goes along with their and put blind faith and trust in the government leaders, thinking they are working for the people and for the overall good of mankind!. Zeitgeist points out that they don't!. And this has been going on for a very long time!. And recent events, that are not adequately explained (serious questions asked by the people are ignored or not answered or properly investigated) also point out this fact!.

I think the documentary was intended to wake us up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whether you find it depressing will probably depend on your personal belief system!.

Part 1 is a mixture of alleged facts, fiction and astrology intended to directly challenge to the foundations of Christianity to the point of being anti-Christian!.

If you're a Christian, you'll hate it and find it threatening!.

If you are anti-Christian, you may enjoy it!.

Part 2 is a collection of 9/11 government conspiracy allegations!.

If you believe that sort of thing, you'll feel validated!.

If you're looking for something objective and adding insight, you won't find it here!.

Part 3 is a collection of anti-Fed conspiracy theory rhetoric!.

If you revel in that sort of thing, you'll love it!.

If you are learned person in economics or history, you'll be appalled at the lack of regard for factual information!.

The only depressing thing I found about this movie was that so many people believe it as fact without question!. if you want to be depressed, be depressed about real abuses of power!. In the real world, we can participate in campaigns against questionable politicians, and lobby our congressmen to change the laws!.

Here is a web site (under construction) that is collecting rebuttals to the movie: http://webskeptic!.wikidot!.com/zeitgeistWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have seen it and i do believe it!. The point this documentary is trying to get across is that are government is money hungry and they will manipulate and lie to our people to get what they want!. Bible stories were meant to be fiction, but then governments got ahold of it and used it to brainwash their people in behaving the way they want!. Basically the government is scamming us and taking all our money for their benefit!. We have plenty of oil and stuff also, but they say we are low so they can raise the price of gasoline because that is the number one necessity everyone needs and because of shipping and all that, it causes prices of everything else to go up!. We're just puppets to the gov't!. and its so sad to see, because there is nothing we can do about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You shouldn't get depressed!. You should get Mad! Nothing will ever change if the people feel depressed and helpless!. The power is supposed to be in the people's hands not the government!

The funny thing is that the government seems to understand this more than most American citizens!.!.!. That's why they're trying to keep the people from waking up!. They do realize that 300,000,000 people holds a hell of a lot of power!.!. that's why they're working hard at suppressing the voices of the "truth- tellers"!. You see!.

Just look at who's on the Terrorist Watch Lists!.!.!.

Political Activists

Constitutional Law Professors (who dissent)

Journalists (who dissent)

Notice a pattern!? If you dissent (publicly) with Big Brother you may find yourself targeted as a terrorist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com