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Position:Home>Philosophy> The end of the world, will it be a natural disaster or a war destroying mankind?

Question: The end of the world, will it be a natural disaster or a war destroying mankind!?
Will it happen in this lifetime or the next!? I need to know if I should start to prepare!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
america wants to be an empire!.!.all empires are destroyed from within!.!.China will take over within 3 years as we continue to borrow for McBushes tax cuts and more war!.!.have your passport ready as the US crumbles !.!.only Obama can save us nowWww@QuestionHome@Com

That's two different events!. The end of the world is a far bigger catastrophe then the end of humankind!. Humankind could be disposed of comparitively easily (large enough meteroid strike, super volcanic eruption, mutated virus) but the world is far more resiliant!. It has withstood these assaults several times already!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one knows when is the end of the world, nor what will cause of its end!. We cannot know for sure that it will happen during our lifetime!.

What is certain to take place during our lifetime is our own death!. That is the truth, we are all going to die!. If we die, the end of the world does not matter because if we die, that is surely the end of OUR world!.

Just enjoy your life here and now!. Learn to grow and mature!. Find a job or work that is self fulfilling for you!. Find someone to love!. Learn from all your experiences!. Read a good book!. Travel to a new places!. Meet and accept new friends!. Don't be discourage and afraid to face life challenges, instead make it for enjoyment and adventures!. Have courage to continue your journey until your life's end!. THAT'S FOR ME IS THE BEST PREPARATION!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess you have got to choose by your self!.Either to start researching by your self when and how its going to end or sit and wait for the answer from the others!.
Because even the bible says, NO one knows the Time, the Day OR the Year!. So if you asked fellow humans,then how do you get the answer!. May be you are the very one God intends to use to inform us,so start preparing now!.
Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Bible speaks about the 'end of this system of things' not an end to the world!.

God will bring about the end!. That doesn't mean that everything and everybody will be destroyed!.

All evil and wickedness will be removed from the earth!. Watch this space it's coming soon!Www@QuestionHome@Com

if a natural disaster then were gonna end up gonners protected or not!.!.!.if a war then the only preparation is to find a idden area with a couple handful of other men with u and hold refuge till the end of the war!.!.!.hope this helped!.!.!.have a good dayWww@QuestionHome@Com

as soon as we colonize mars, then an interplanetary war will break out!. Be prepared for the 2200AD war against the martians!. They will also be much smarter and more advanced than us, since we will have sent out best and brightest to go colonize!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

War, diseases, famine, disaster, death, all of those are already gripping the world in their iron grip!. All will slowly "eat" us until there is nothing left of Humanity or any kind of lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

No one knows how the world will end up to!.But the best thing to do for NOW is be PREPARED>It is written in the bible anyway,it will happen like a thieft in the night!.So we must accept and be ready for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

War destroying mankind, natural disaster very unlikely i think!. probably the next life time id say :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lol!. Me too!
If you had time to prepare then you'd probably prepare to avoid it!.
Hence the world wouldn't end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look around nature is stirring !. I'd say it will be soon that nature changes the face of the planet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why do you assume that it is the end if mankind is destroyed!? There will still be plenty of other life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
