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Question: Gossip and Moaning!.!.!.!?
Are gossip and moaning part of human nature!? It seems that both are part of humanity!. People seem to always have something or other to moan about!.!.!. and no one seems able to resist gossip!. Do third world country's and tribal people moan and gossip or is it a "luxury" of the idle and over indulged!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
People who partake in such doings do not want to face reality!. They rather live through others or complain about what they believe is unfair!. They should concentrate on their own lives which would end them living in a fantasy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gossip and moaning is a human nature since human being is a social animal - No one resist gossip - since they intend to communicate their feelings / thoughts to others and get convinced or atleast a nod from other person that the other person either understood his / her grievances , or shared the pleasure what is intended to be communicated!. Thoughts needed to be transferred in either manner hence it turned to be gossip!. The phylosopher sometimes convert into books or autobiography !.

Do third world country's and tribal people moan and gossip or is it a "luxury" of the idle and over indulged!? -

By all means , since they are also humans - on the contarary their time mostly invested for GOSSIP AND MOAN communicating each other that what has happened !. They share / reciprocate with this means onlyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Good question!. I have also noticed that people seem to
like to gossip!. Don't know if its an innate thing, I'll leave
that discussion for the scientists!.

Its kinda funny in a way!. I usually don't like people who gossip
about others, because, people's lives can sure be impacted
by what others say about them!. I know from first hand experience!. Especially, if the gossip is misinformed, or just someone trying to damage someones' reputation!.

Having said that, I love to hear the latest on my favorite celebrates!. I mean, suppose its envy, not sure, but there
are some "stars" that I think are "SO COOL", that I want
to know all about their lives!. However, I don't go out and
buy ceb mags, I'm not that overboard!.

Gossip is hear to stay, fer sure!. Is it REALLY true what
they say about the French!? And what about English food!?
Is it REALLY all that terrible!? Inquiring minds gotta know!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i wouldnt consider it a luxury of only the idle and over indulged haven't you ever been in a small town !? even a "neighborhood " within a city where everyone knows everyone elses business !? i think it is human nature , world wide that everyone everywhere gossips and moans !. i am not saying it is morally right or wrong , just that it isnt confined to one socio-economic group!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i live in the philippines and according to encyclopedias, its still a third world country!. :(

anyway, people in third world countries and tribes are no different!. we like to gossip and moan!. gossip is annoying coz the damn stupid girls in my school does it all the time and gossip hurts people!. moaning is fun especially in sex ;)


Mat 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm sure they do, it really is human nature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com