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Position:Home>Philosophy> What does it mean ? i will tell you a secret. God should not tell a

Question: What does it mean !? i will tell you a secret!. God promise!.!.you should not tell anyone!.!.ok!. God promise i wont
shaily!.!.i tell you a secret!. God promise!.!.you should not tell anyone!.
Yes, i promise you!. Maria!.
jasmine!.!.called shily!.!.jasmine, i tell you a secret!.!.God promise you
should not tell anyone!.!.!.
Shily!.!.i promise you!. shaily!.
hai!.!.josphine!.!.how are you!?
Fine !.!.jasmin!. you seem very nice today!.!.
yes, ok!.!. joe, i tell you a secret, God promise you should not tell!.!.
what jasmin!.!.i am your friend, trust me!.!. God promise, i won't!.
Hello!.!.christ!.!. how are you!.!.
fine joe!.!.you seem very easy!.!.
Ha!! how do you find !? anyway, i tell you a secret!. God promise!.!.
what joe!.!.you are the only friend to me!.!.God promise!.
Hai!.!.dear maria !! called christ!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
God promise Now I will tell you the secret!.

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Hey dont tell this secret (!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.) to any one @ any costWww@QuestionHome@Com

God promise is just saying that you are telling god that you will not tell another person or it is just another way to say i cross my heart and swear to die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well it's a dialogue where they are promising each other, like swearing in the name of God, that they won't tell anyone else!. But they never tell each other any secret before your dialogue ends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com