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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it better to be a prisoner in paradise or free in hell?

Question: Is it better to be a prisoner in paradise or free in hell!?
I'm talking metaphorically here!. Say you have 2 countries!. In one there is no disease, no hunger or crime, beautiful people everywhere living in peace and harmony!. But you cannot leave under any circumstances, and basically have to live like they tell you to!.
Then there is this other place!. You can't cross the street without risking getting mugged or killed!. Crime and Disease are everywhere and you have just enough money so you can maybe make it until next week!.!.!.possibly!. But you can live as you like and can technically leave although, for the purposes of this question, you shall not!.
So how much is your freedom actually worth to ya!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A gilded cage is preferable!.

Look at it this way: In hell, you wouldn't be entirely free since you would be a slave to your consequences!. Your entire life would be a never ending cycle of "need money to live a very basic life" and "need to live to somehow get money"!. In paradise, you might not be able to leave or to do anything by yourself or to do what you want BUT you'd still have the freedom to think and just be!. No one can take away your mind and your heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're not truly free in either place, so the question is not valid in the sense that you are asking it!. Crime, Disease, and a lack of funds can and are just as restricting as prison bars or a guy with a gun saying, "No you won't!."
If I had to choose between the two, I'd be imprisoned in the better place!.
Have you read "Paradise Lost!?" This question seems to loosely come from that work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alot of people think that Hell is a burning place where sinners go, NOT! Hell is only the grave, thats paradise, perfect PEACE!. But there is the Lake of Fire!. Of what you said about that country with no sin (crime), well!.!.!.!. that part is going to happen very, very soon!. America is soon to be Destroyed, She (the U!.S!.) lady liberty, Daughter of Babylon according from KJV Bible, Our chosen people are going back to The Promise Land, Not Heaven, Thy KINGDOM COME! don't take my word for it, check out www!.cofah!.com cofah means Come Out From Among Her!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um!.!.!. Is this a reference to Paradise Lost!?

Well, my opinion, personally, is that it's better to live in paradise, whatever your condition (prisoner!.!.!. servant!.!.!. whatever)!. You'll be happy, since it's paradise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you're talking metaphorically then i it's better to be free in hell's hell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

free!.!.in hellWww@QuestionHome@Com

I was gonna say, " Free in Hell ", but on the other hand, it is paradise, and I could always Escape from my Prison!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To be honest, neither sounds incredibly appealing!. Living in the paradise wouldn't be as good as we think of it being now because all we would know would be peace and harmony, and this is only precious and important to us if there is the bad parts to show it as being good!. But at the same time we have a further paradox in paradise!. We have to live as we are told, but also in harmony!. Then living as we are told would have to be compatible with living in peace and harmony, and should thus be no problem, unless it was enforced in a violent or aggressive manner, which it surely could not be because that would not be in line with the peaceful state of affairs!.

So I would go for the paradise!Www@QuestionHome@Com