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Position:Home>Philosophy> Am I about to crash?

Question: Am I about to crash!?
Ok, I know this seems like a weird question, but hear me out:

At the moment, everything is going perfectly!. I have a wonderful boyfriend, an amazing family, and I'm moving to New York in two weeks to start working as a Professional Choreographer with the Alvin Ailey Dance Company!. I am getting everything I could dream of, not to mention the fact that my friends are doing well, too, so I am feeling great about life in general!. Am I being too hopeful!? It seems like every time something goes right, something else happens and it comes crashing down around me!.

Any reassurance would be very nice right now!

Mac xWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As much as I'd hate to say it, no one's life is perfect!.!.!. sooner or later something will go wrong, and if you don't expect it, it could seriously harm you!. Be aware and don't be over confident, just go with the flow!.

But, enjoy it while it lasts!. Not many people have it going so great, and never will!. Saviour the moments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. God has blessed you with a happy life!. Don't go by movies or books that depict otherwise; they are for drama and entertainment, however much I like them!. Be glad in that you are successful and wise enough to know that you should not take things for granted!. Have faith in God!. He will be you rock to stand on if the water gets murky!.Www@QuestionHome@Com